Tuesday, December 14, 2010

New Blog - Zombie Related

Everyone loves ZOMBIES.
So I've started a new blog, ZOMBIE RELATED, where I link to anything to do with zombies, post zombie film reviews, and basically just share in the love and mania of the undead...

So you know, it gives me an excuse to validate some of the many movies we watch, plus of course, I've been putting together my own zombie comic for some time now. What really drove it home though, that I wanted to do something more with zombies, was exhibiting at ZomBcon and meeting George Romero.

So, what the hell. Check it out and follow it if you're a zombie fiend too. I've already got three zombie movies reviewed, and I'd love to see you there.
And, keep your eyes out for more info on my Con of the Dead graphic novel, of course Zombie Tramp, and maybe something more too...

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