Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Super Real Notes - 10/31/06
Today may be Halloween, but I got my "treats" early this year... at the Stumptown Comics Fest last weekend in the form of cool comics and ashcans (see yesterday's lengthy showcase), and also this swell pinup from my bud Randy Kintz...
You can check out his pinup of participant number 5 with my colors on it, and a Wonder Woman sketch I did at the show on my DeviantArt page HERE
Monday, October 30, 2006
Stumptown Rundown!
Stumptown is a creator-centric indy comics convention, that draws a rather large contingent of NW area indy creators, as well as creators from abroad, and local publishers Oni Press, Dark Horse Comics, and Top Shelf. This year the show expanded to encompass two days, and a larger venue, taking up an exhibit hall at the Oregon Convention Center Friday evening, and Saturday afternoon.
I exhibited at the show last year, and although Super Real doesn't appeal to the indy crowd, it's still a great show for me to check out and pick up some cool indy wares. This year was no different, the new venue and increased size only made for a wider variety of enticing items. In addition to the dozen or so items I purchased, there were many others I'd have liked to of afforded, such as some really fine print makers with gorgeous offerings (such as the offerings from artist Kevin Dart and Fleet Street Scandal pictured above).
Here's a rundown of some of the cool items I picked up...
$5 is the paid admission to this fine, sturdy ash can collection of tripped out Rey goodness. Stab Kids is the lead 14 page feature that follows the jelly-faced Aves Ives and eye-patched companion Coke Line as they go in search of mystical weaponry. Corey Lewis continues to incubate one of the most original art styles in comics today, heavy on the spaced manga by way of funked out Junko Mizuno in this outing. Also included are heavy doses of graphic style, guest friend pinups (including Rolston, and O'Malley), and many glimpses at other equally creatively vibrant Rey offerings in the works.
A must have for fans of The Rey! For those who haven't dug on the kid yet, get some Peng or Sharknife in your face pronto!
KILLED is a collection of pinups, and shorts by creator Brandon Graham, all of which highlight not only his soft, curvy, simple-yet-detailed linework, but also his sharp humor, and expansive imagination! Also fun to follow is the influence between the studio/house mates Brandon and Corey Lewis. Here Brandon also works roommate Rey into a couple of the featured shorts to funny effect, and his pinups of characters, doodles, and drawings fill out this oversized collection that's a hell of a lot of fun for $5.
Watch for his upcoming book KING CITY from Tokyopop, and check out Brandon's work online HERE
There are certainly no shortage of zombie comics, but it's such a rich, and popular genre, there's always room for more well told stories, especially one's that carve their own niche out. Deadvalentines is one such entry. Creator John Worsley sets up a cast and concept in 9 pages that show much promise. Focusing on a special agency charged with zombie cleanup, and the relationships of it's members, the book also features great writing and artwork. Worsley's style reminds me of Guy Davis, with perhaps some inky Cloonan thrown in as well, so yeah, that's good stuff. I'd love to see a series of this.
Check out Worley's work at OpenVein.com
10 Gen was a nice little $1 ashcan I scooped up with some decent looking sci-fi artwork reminiscent of Runners. An 8 page offering with a story by Steven Sylvain and art by Jonathan Siruno that appears to be the first 8 pages of an upcoming series. The book features some familiar elements, but the artwork and genre are played with enough charm to have me primed for more. I love sci-fi, so if you're a fan of sci-fi comics, then hopefully we'll all get a chance to see more from this team.
It looks like you can check out the book online at 10GEN.net as a webcomic, with the first 4 pages currently available there now.
Local creator and friend Clayton Hollifield aka Clayholio has created many self published works, either on his own, or with writer collaborators, and has moved into webcomics, and is even now trying his had with cell phone content. One of his latest offerings, Lost Robots, is quirky and light humor offering. A full length comic at $3 features 3 shorts, and 3 robotic miss-adventures that include funkified robots, robots with ties, robots with beards, and robots with coconut-bikinis!
You can see more from Clay at his site HERE
Chibi Comics were my neighbors, and I sat next to artist Ray Johnson, a really nice guy from the bay area. At one point Ray was sketching an interesting character that was featured in Nothing Ever Lasts, so I picked that up, as it was a superteam comic that had an interesting looking cast, with unique art and character designs. NEL is a solid independent take on the hero genre with some unique ideas at play in the concept. Worth checking out if you like your super heroes outside the big 2 publishers, or enjoy the art style featured.
Check out the variety of works CHIBI COMICS offer at their site HERE
Okay, that about sums up my haul from the show, aside from the Fear Agent volume 1 TPB I picked up from creator Rick Remender (who authors one of my current favorite titles, Strange Girl). Some good stuff!
I'll be back tomorrow with some of my sketches maybe, and a sketch from my buddy Randy who was cool enough to share his table with me!
Check out some of the websites here, they're worthy of your time, and a great variety of indy talents!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Okay I'm a bit late (and no one played along last time... sniff sniff) but it's time for my new interactive feature, THE COMIC PICK OF THE WEEK.
Again, each week I'll look at all the books I pick up from the new releases at the comic shop, and pick my favorite. Then, and this is the interactive part (hint hint), you can add your favorite of the week to the comments section.
You can do eeeeet!!!
Last week was a big one for new number ones and Wildstorm in particular.
Back in the day, Wildstorm was by far my favorite comic line. They had great creators, focusing on solid contemporary artists, and a great superhero universe, that was also contemporary. Then Jim Lee started doing work for hire at DC and his Wildstorm line languished. Well, it's back big time, and last week we had Gen13 #1 (unimpressive), and this week it's time for the new Grant Morrison Wildcats and Authority to debut. I looove Morrison's writing, so these are perfect for me, but so far, I'll need future issues to really dig on the titles. So, again, Wildstorm, as much as I loved their stuff before, doesn't win.
Then there's the new Virgin "Director's Cut" debut from John Woo and Garth Ennis, 7 Brothers. This was good, but not great. Strong art, decent story, but nothing too special in the concept and script. Again time will tell on this one...
Of the rest, I'm still digging on Girls from Image, but until something new and exciting happens, it's just a solid read, not a pick o' the week... and also Cassanova, and as much as I wanted to love issue 5 here, and make this the pick of the week, I just couldn't do it, this series is great, I absolutely love it, one of my new favorite titles, but this issue wasn't up to par for me.
PICK OF THE WEEK: X-Men First Class #2
Okay, I feel crazy for doing it, but this book just totally charmed me. Issue one was okay, but the series itself is limited, as in figuratively (yes it's a literal limited series too). Taking the original fab 5 x-students and exploring some never told early adventures, while something I really dig (as I remember seeing little ads for the original X-Men in late 70's early 80's Marvel books, but never coming across a title that showcased them), the scope of the series is far from grand. Just simple stories focusing on the original team, but oddly in a generic modern setting, not true continuity, not ultimate contemporary. All that said, it's great to see stories with this cast (original hairless Beast is one of my favorite characters), and while issue one was nothing too special, I thought Jeff Parker's scripting here really stood out, and showcased some truly inventive, genuine, and fun character moments. And when that's all you have to hang a series on, the book works well when that's accomplished! I've also always enjoyed Roger Cruz's artwork, and it's solid here too, yet different, a little stiffer and more generic than his stuff usually is, but nice to look at.
So there you have it, that was last week in comics for me.
How about you, what was your favorite pick of the week???
Again, each week I'll look at all the books I pick up from the new releases at the comic shop, and pick my favorite. Then, and this is the interactive part (hint hint), you can add your favorite of the week to the comments section.
You can do eeeeet!!!
Last week was a big one for new number ones and Wildstorm in particular.
Back in the day, Wildstorm was by far my favorite comic line. They had great creators, focusing on solid contemporary artists, and a great superhero universe, that was also contemporary. Then Jim Lee started doing work for hire at DC and his Wildstorm line languished. Well, it's back big time, and last week we had Gen13 #1 (unimpressive), and this week it's time for the new Grant Morrison Wildcats and Authority to debut. I looove Morrison's writing, so these are perfect for me, but so far, I'll need future issues to really dig on the titles. So, again, Wildstorm, as much as I loved their stuff before, doesn't win.
Then there's the new Virgin "Director's Cut" debut from John Woo and Garth Ennis, 7 Brothers. This was good, but not great. Strong art, decent story, but nothing too special in the concept and script. Again time will tell on this one...
Of the rest, I'm still digging on Girls from Image, but until something new and exciting happens, it's just a solid read, not a pick o' the week... and also Cassanova, and as much as I wanted to love issue 5 here, and make this the pick of the week, I just couldn't do it, this series is great, I absolutely love it, one of my new favorite titles, but this issue wasn't up to par for me.
PICK OF THE WEEK: X-Men First Class #2
So there you have it, that was last week in comics for me.
How about you, what was your favorite pick of the week???
Another review has gone up for the latest issue, number 3, this time on BrokenFrontier.com.
BF columnist Jason Berek Lewis is a fan of the series, so it's good to see he's still enjoying what I'm doing!
Check out the review HERE
Turns out I will be exhibiting, of sorts, at this weekends big indy comics showcase in my hometown of Portland Oregon, The Stumptown Comics Fest.
A friend and local artist Randy Kintz, was kind enough to share his spot with me, so I'll have some books and sketchbooks at the show this weekend.
Randy's a great guy, and is currently working for Blue Water Productions, you can see his work HERE
Or his Super Real pinup HERE
The show is at the Oregon Convention Center (swanky), and runs two days, Friday 4-8 and Saturday 10-6. Stop by if you're in the Portland area!
Another review has gone up for the latest issue, number 3, this time on BrokenFrontier.com.
BF columnist Jason Berek Lewis is a fan of the series, so it's good to see he's still enjoying what I'm doing!
Check out the review HERE
Turns out I will be exhibiting, of sorts, at this weekends big indy comics showcase in my hometown of Portland Oregon, The Stumptown Comics Fest.
A friend and local artist Randy Kintz, was kind enough to share his spot with me, so I'll have some books and sketchbooks at the show this weekend.
Randy's a great guy, and is currently working for Blue Water Productions, you can see his work HERE
Or his Super Real pinup HERE
The show is at the Oregon Convention Center (swanky), and runs two days, Friday 4-8 and Saturday 10-6. Stop by if you're in the Portland area!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
The first reviews of the recent issue are starting to hit, and you can check one out now on Newsarama's YOUR INDY WEEKLY COLUMN. Columnist Ryan McLelland has been a fan of the book from the get go, and although he had a minor quibble with our latest issue, he still gave it 3 and 1/2 out of 4 stars!
Check out the review HERE (and you can even post your comments on the thread if you like!)
So, I had a busy con schedule in the early part of '06, doing Wondercon, Wizard World LA, Wizard World Philly, and Comic Con International. Lots of travel, lots of expense, lots of fun. WWLA and SDCC were the most successful, and one's I'll repeat next year. WWPhilly I won't, it's too much of an expense, and the artist alley there is full of creators, whereas LA is not. It seems the more artist alley/small press turnout, the smaller the sales. Makes sense, there are a lot more small time artists and publishers competing for the same dollars, be it commissioned artwork, or independent comics. I may try Wondercon again next year, cause it's such a great show, but in the artist alley as opposed to small press. When you're located in artist alley you tend to get more sketch commissions, and therefore more sales. I love sketching, and I love selling books, but most of all I NEED the most sales I can at shows to offset the cost.
I also did a couple regional shows in March and April, my local show, The Portland Comic Book Show, and the newer Seattle show, Emerald City Comic Con. The Portland Comic Book Show is in it's 30th year, and was the first con I ever attended. I still remember my first comic con, because it was a huge event for me. It was 1983 and I was utterly in love with comics, and drawing them too. My free time was consumed with comics, either reading or creating them.
It's easy to recall the year and specifics, because 1983 was when I created the first issue of the biggest comic project I've ever done (still bigger in output even than Super Real), Dogie the Wanderer. Dogie was a humanoid talking dog, that was very much derivative of Cerebus, my favorite comic of the time. But instead of wielding a sword in years past like Cerebus, Dogie was in a future Earth sci-fi setting (and although directly inspired by the aardvark comic, very much his own book when all was said and done). Anyway, back to the first con. I remember I went with a couple friends who were comic fans (to lesser degree, and not as a knock, but I was THE comics guy in any ring of comics friends, only child, spoiled, artistic genes, it just was my thing), and we were all stoked about finding various books or seeing various creators. In 1983 I would've been 13, so we had a ride from my dad. Thing was, I'd brought that first issue of Dogie with me to the show, to show the creators in attendance my work, but I was a shy guy, and didn't want to go through with it. I still remember my dad forcing me to show artist Ron Wilson, then penciller of Marvel's The Thing, whom I'd stood in line to see. I remember all this because those few seconds that Ron looked over my comic, were some of the most nerve racking of my young life, here was a guy drawing one of my favorite characters, doing what I wanted to do for a living, looking over my knowingly rough artwork. Sure Dogie was my proudest achievement at the time, but I knew it wasn't all that yet. Ron was a nice man, and he even signed my book for me... I still have all of my 9 issues of Dogie preserved in acid free paged binders, and I still have Ron's signature on that first issue cover to also remind me of that big event.
Any way, enough Jason Martin history, my point was that the Portland show is long running, local, and always has two shows a year, except this year. For the first time ever, they've canceled a show, the show that would've been in October. So I'm missing having that, the Portland Shows are some of my best for Super Real. Now I've got to wait til the spring for another.
As for Emerald City, this is a great show, best in the NW by far, the organizers really go all out and bring in dozens of top name creators. However, this year's show, the fourth, was the first that was a let down. They still put on a great show, but attendance was down, or at least didn't continue the pace of growth, the first 3 years of the show attendance doubled per year. This show was another let down for me in terms of sales. Again, I think to do with the very large artist alley section (but also the decreased numbers couldn't have helped). It's still an awesome show to attend though, and next year is already shaping up to be huge. Again here, I'll probably go for artist alley next time.
Another new regional show that's growing by leaps and bounds is The Stumptown Comics Fest. This is a unique show, that spotlights creators, with no exhibitors allowed. Similar I assume to other indy showcase cons like SPX or APE. Stumptown is in it's third year, and is this weekend. I however, won't be exhibiting at this one either. As they sold out before I committed, and honestly, as I suspected, Super Real doesn't play well to indy crowds, as my first time at Stumptown last year was a sales disaster. So I was reluctant to pay the now double the price cost for space at this year's show (I imagine, due to it residing in the top notch Oregon Convention Center). I may share a space with a friend though... we'll see.
So, I had 6 shows in less than five months, between February and July, and nothing on my calendar since. I'm getting the itch to get out there, but frankly, after sooo many shows, I was burnt out (not to mention way behind). I'd planned on doing the New York Comic Con in February, but as of a month ago when I looked into it, they were already sold out of artist alley and small press space. I'm really bummed about missing this show, but hopeful to still find a way in (anyone want to sell me their artist alley space?).
Also, I'd thought about doing Wizard World Texas, as I do every year, but never break down and spend on air, hotel, and con space for this one. I suspect like WWLA though, that the artist alley space here is smaller, and could be conducive to a good show for me. However, when I talked to the exhibits person last week they indicated the space was almost sold out. I'd been watching air fair, but even with a recent drop to around $250, the total overall cost would still be at least $550 for a 4' space. And that's too much to chance right now. So, no WWTexas again this year.
Time to start planning for next year though, so stay tuned for details on that.
Hope you enjoyed the insights into doing cons as a publisher/creator, and my personal insights too. I'll have to share more of those in the future.
The first reviews of the recent issue are starting to hit, and you can check one out now on Newsarama's YOUR INDY WEEKLY COLUMN. Columnist Ryan McLelland has been a fan of the book from the get go, and although he had a minor quibble with our latest issue, he still gave it 3 and 1/2 out of 4 stars!
Check out the review HERE (and you can even post your comments on the thread if you like!)
So, I had a busy con schedule in the early part of '06, doing Wondercon, Wizard World LA, Wizard World Philly, and Comic Con International. Lots of travel, lots of expense, lots of fun. WWLA and SDCC were the most successful, and one's I'll repeat next year. WWPhilly I won't, it's too much of an expense, and the artist alley there is full of creators, whereas LA is not. It seems the more artist alley/small press turnout, the smaller the sales. Makes sense, there are a lot more small time artists and publishers competing for the same dollars, be it commissioned artwork, or independent comics. I may try Wondercon again next year, cause it's such a great show, but in the artist alley as opposed to small press. When you're located in artist alley you tend to get more sketch commissions, and therefore more sales. I love sketching, and I love selling books, but most of all I NEED the most sales I can at shows to offset the cost.
I also did a couple regional shows in March and April, my local show, The Portland Comic Book Show, and the newer Seattle show, Emerald City Comic Con. The Portland Comic Book Show is in it's 30th year, and was the first con I ever attended. I still remember my first comic con, because it was a huge event for me. It was 1983 and I was utterly in love with comics, and drawing them too. My free time was consumed with comics, either reading or creating them.
Any way, enough Jason Martin history, my point was that the Portland show is long running, local, and always has two shows a year, except this year. For the first time ever, they've canceled a show, the show that would've been in October. So I'm missing having that, the Portland Shows are some of my best for Super Real. Now I've got to wait til the spring for another.
As for Emerald City, this is a great show, best in the NW by far, the organizers really go all out and bring in dozens of top name creators. However, this year's show, the fourth, was the first that was a let down. They still put on a great show, but attendance was down, or at least didn't continue the pace of growth, the first 3 years of the show attendance doubled per year. This show was another let down for me in terms of sales. Again, I think to do with the very large artist alley section (but also the decreased numbers couldn't have helped). It's still an awesome show to attend though, and next year is already shaping up to be huge. Again here, I'll probably go for artist alley next time.
So, I had 6 shows in less than five months, between February and July, and nothing on my calendar since. I'm getting the itch to get out there, but frankly, after sooo many shows, I was burnt out (not to mention way behind). I'd planned on doing the New York Comic Con in February, but as of a month ago when I looked into it, they were already sold out of artist alley and small press space. I'm really bummed about missing this show, but hopeful to still find a way in (anyone want to sell me their artist alley space?).
Also, I'd thought about doing Wizard World Texas, as I do every year, but never break down and spend on air, hotel, and con space for this one. I suspect like WWLA though, that the artist alley space here is smaller, and could be conducive to a good show for me. However, when I talked to the exhibits person last week they indicated the space was almost sold out. I'd been watching air fair, but even with a recent drop to around $250, the total overall cost would still be at least $550 for a 4' space. And that's too much to chance right now. So, no WWTexas again this year.
Time to start planning for next year though, so stay tuned for details on that.
Hope you enjoyed the insights into doing cons as a publisher/creator, and my personal insights too. I'll have to share more of those in the future.
Monday, October 23, 2006
TALES FROM NETFLIX are DVD picks from off the beaten path, discs you may have never heard of, lurking at the bottoms of the new release list, or easy to miss on the video store wall of newness (if anyone still goes to those archaic places)...

This time though, I'm picking a flick that's not really that obscure, having been featured as the latest Project Greenlight winner, and having television advertising, and media buzz behind it. That said, FEAST, the new release in question, is definitely non-standard hollywood fair...
FEAST is first time director John Gulager's grand prize courtosey of Damon, Affleck, and crew's final Project Greenlight, the opportunity to helm a feature film. Unlike previous winners, Gulager's project is from the horror genre, and Feast is an in your face, all out, splatter fest at that! However, it's also a thrill ride of action/comedy despair, where a desert watering hole becomes a makeshift hideout for patrons from attacking lethal monsters.
Right from the start, Feast highlights unique directing, quirky characterization, and laugh out loud humor. Frequently taking horror situations and turning them on their ear. It's like Night of the Living Dead meets Tremors. Where the focus is not only on the impending doom our trapped cast must navigate, but also campy humuor that can strike just as suddenly. Limb severing, monster casterating, blood bathing, face peeling, maggot wrangling scenes come fast and hard, but it's all offset by just as much rapid fire humor. Scenes that would be just straight up hellish, are all played for hellish fun.
The cast are great, with Henry Rollins standing out as the motivational speaker who takes desperation monolguing to new levels (pure genious on the part of the writers), and Krista Allen as the victimized waitress turned throat punching eventual bad ass of the bunch.
Also of note, are the creatures and effects, as a glance at any of the special features will tip you off to the fact that though this was a full feature production, the budget was challenging at best. The filmakers had to make the most of the opportunity, by setting the story in one internal location, and utitlizing old school technologies for the special effects. The creatures and everything in the film utilize technologies from the 1980's, with no cg shots due to cost, but instead of it being a hinderence, it's another strong suit. The creatures are fun, feral, and wild, with more character and nuance than their costly perfectly pixelated counterparts.
If you like old school horror, in your face action, camp, raunchy humor, or explosively deviant fun, Feast is truly a feast for your senses. While it's not blazing a new path in high concept, it does crackle with creativity, and I can't remember the last time I had this much fun with a movie, start to finish! (Okay, maybe it was the similarly skewed, but more uneven horror/comedy Dead and Breakfast)
The original trailer...
The new one...
Check out previous Tales From Netflix:
Sars Wars
House of 9
2001 Maniacs
FEAST is first time director John Gulager's grand prize courtosey of Damon, Affleck, and crew's final Project Greenlight, the opportunity to helm a feature film. Unlike previous winners, Gulager's project is from the horror genre, and Feast is an in your face, all out, splatter fest at that! However, it's also a thrill ride of action/comedy despair, where a desert watering hole becomes a makeshift hideout for patrons from attacking lethal monsters.
Right from the start, Feast highlights unique directing, quirky characterization, and laugh out loud humor. Frequently taking horror situations and turning them on their ear. It's like Night of the Living Dead meets Tremors. Where the focus is not only on the impending doom our trapped cast must navigate, but also campy humuor that can strike just as suddenly. Limb severing, monster casterating, blood bathing, face peeling, maggot wrangling scenes come fast and hard, but it's all offset by just as much rapid fire humor. Scenes that would be just straight up hellish, are all played for hellish fun.
The cast are great, with Henry Rollins standing out as the motivational speaker who takes desperation monolguing to new levels (pure genious on the part of the writers), and Krista Allen as the victimized waitress turned throat punching eventual bad ass of the bunch.
Also of note, are the creatures and effects, as a glance at any of the special features will tip you off to the fact that though this was a full feature production, the budget was challenging at best. The filmakers had to make the most of the opportunity, by setting the story in one internal location, and utitlizing old school technologies for the special effects. The creatures and everything in the film utilize technologies from the 1980's, with no cg shots due to cost, but instead of it being a hinderence, it's another strong suit. The creatures are fun, feral, and wild, with more character and nuance than their costly perfectly pixelated counterparts.
If you like old school horror, in your face action, camp, raunchy humor, or explosively deviant fun, Feast is truly a feast for your senses. While it's not blazing a new path in high concept, it does crackle with creativity, and I can't remember the last time I had this much fun with a movie, start to finish! (Okay, maybe it was the similarly skewed, but more uneven horror/comedy Dead and Breakfast)
The original trailer...
The new one...
Check out previous Tales From Netflix:
Sars Wars
House of 9
2001 Maniacs
We're three weeks in on Lost so far, and it's been hit or miss for me, I'm still enjoying the show, but not completely. I thought Locke's flashback was lame, and that whole episode would've been better as a subplot.
For fans of the series, you can check out Attack of the Show's Dhorkma films that summarize episodes, and provide some insight. Although their latest, from last week and episode 2, was light on nuggets of wisdom...
Jimmy Kimmel Live is also doing a series of spoof shorts, placing the incomparable Billy Dee Williams in the show. Check out ol' Lando Cal hangin with the polar bear here:
So, why's Desmond seeing the future? And how did he, Locke and Echo survive the hatch implosion?
For fans of the series, you can check out Attack of the Show's Dhorkma films that summarize episodes, and provide some insight. Although their latest, from last week and episode 2, was light on nuggets of wisdom...
Jimmy Kimmel Live is also doing a series of spoof shorts, placing the incomparable Billy Dee Williams in the show. Check out ol' Lando Cal hangin with the polar bear here:
So, why's Desmond seeing the future? And how did he, Locke and Echo survive the hatch implosion?
Friday, October 20, 2006
I SAW IT ON TV: Tune the frak in!!!
Can't wait till later tonight to catch the new ep of Battlestar Galactica season 3.
For me, the premiere ep was a misstep, good, but too direct in it's mirroring of current events/themes, but they got the 'ol ship steered in the right quadrant last week.
Also, anyone else think something's up with Colonel Tigh's missing eye?
Episode one/two the Cylons claimed they weren't torturing prisoners, and it'd be mighty convenient if ol' Tigh popped that bad boy out himself, to fuel the resistance movement he heads up....
For me, the premiere ep was a misstep, good, but too direct in it's mirroring of current events/themes, but they got the 'ol ship steered in the right quadrant last week.
Also, anyone else think something's up with Colonel Tigh's missing eye?
Episode one/two the Cylons claimed they weren't torturing prisoners, and it'd be mighty convenient if ol' Tigh popped that bad boy out himself, to fuel the resistance movement he heads up....
Monday, October 16, 2006
Tales From Netflix are DVD picks from titles you may have never heard of... This time we've got a handful of titles; a demented foreign film, an indy oddity, and an 80's cult classic!

First up, released last week, and all the way from France/Belgium is one truly twisted psychological horror gem, CALVAIRE (The Ordeal).
Many liken this film to the original Texas Chainsaw massacre, and I'll agree in terms of spirit. Like TCM, Calvaire features a roadside trip to the insane, but instead of in your face horror, things spiral into levels of bizarre terror. Centering on a young singer who's equipment van breaks down mid journey in fog filled countryside parts unknown, and an all but abandoned inn that offers him respite. As time goes on, the inn and it's keeper, and the surroundings are anything but.
Calvaire is in French with subtitles, but features strong acting and directing. Several scenes burn deep into your brain, either with clever craft, or for the subtly disturbing imagery. Then of course there are some downright inspired bizarro moments, and some brutally dark ones as well.
If you like taking trips into the darker side of the human condition, or films that challenge the scope of what's possible in film, Calvaire is a must see. It's not for the faint of heart, but it is a haunting and expertly crafted offering.
Next up is an indy thriller that's creatively inspired, PARANOIA 1.0
Paranoia stars Jeremy Sisto, whom you'd recognize possibly from the recently cancelled NBC show Kidnapped, or any number of film credits, in a near future drama that slowly builds an interesting and stylish mystery. Similar to the original Matrix, but replacing the green tinged dingy inner city cinematography for a sienna tone, and sans the bullet laden action, Paranoia is a future tech head trip with some fun side effects. It doesn't quite grasp the next level, but it's a great journey, and a nicely built work.
And finally, we go all the way back to 1988 for the cult favorite, THEY LIVE
John Carpenter of Halloween fame directs this yuppie bashing sci-fi social commentary featuring Rowdy Roddy Piper. If you haven't seen this one, I'm not going to outline the plot, because it's a fun setup that really propels the whole thing. They Live is a great slice of 80's sci-fi that's part Romero zombie flick part Arnold action feature, blending many genre elements together to great result. Plus it's got one of the best fist fight scenes ever, a classic line, and an awesome twist.
If you're like me and never saw this one, CHECK IT OUT NOW!

Check out previous Tales From Netflix:
Sars Wars
House of 9
2001 Maniacs
Many liken this film to the original Texas Chainsaw massacre, and I'll agree in terms of spirit. Like TCM, Calvaire features a roadside trip to the insane, but instead of in your face horror, things spiral into levels of bizarre terror. Centering on a young singer who's equipment van breaks down mid journey in fog filled countryside parts unknown, and an all but abandoned inn that offers him respite. As time goes on, the inn and it's keeper, and the surroundings are anything but.
Calvaire is in French with subtitles, but features strong acting and directing. Several scenes burn deep into your brain, either with clever craft, or for the subtly disturbing imagery. Then of course there are some downright inspired bizarro moments, and some brutally dark ones as well.
If you like taking trips into the darker side of the human condition, or films that challenge the scope of what's possible in film, Calvaire is a must see. It's not for the faint of heart, but it is a haunting and expertly crafted offering.
Paranoia stars Jeremy Sisto, whom you'd recognize possibly from the recently cancelled NBC show Kidnapped, or any number of film credits, in a near future drama that slowly builds an interesting and stylish mystery. Similar to the original Matrix, but replacing the green tinged dingy inner city cinematography for a sienna tone, and sans the bullet laden action, Paranoia is a future tech head trip with some fun side effects. It doesn't quite grasp the next level, but it's a great journey, and a nicely built work.
John Carpenter of Halloween fame directs this yuppie bashing sci-fi social commentary featuring Rowdy Roddy Piper. If you haven't seen this one, I'm not going to outline the plot, because it's a fun setup that really propels the whole thing. They Live is a great slice of 80's sci-fi that's part Romero zombie flick part Arnold action feature, blending many genre elements together to great result. Plus it's got one of the best fist fight scenes ever, a classic line, and an awesome twist.
If you're like me and never saw this one, CHECK IT OUT NOW!
Check out previous Tales From Netflix:
Sars Wars
House of 9
2001 Maniacs
Friday, October 13, 2006
Okay kidz... time for a new feature, and an interactive one at that.
Basically, starting this week, of all the books that come out each week I'll pick one that's my favorite, and post it here. Then, and this is the interactive part, you can add your favorite of the week to the comments section.
If we all share, it could be a fun little discussion about the best comics out there!
But that's the key, commenting, sharing, otherwise it's just me rattling on about comics...
Don't pick up new books each week? Then recommend something you read recently!
So, this week was a big one, there were lots of books I was looking forward to.
First off, I've been waiting to check out the new Dead@17 ongoing series from Josh Howard, and I'm a huge Gen13 fan from way back, so the reboot of that had me anxious (but skeptical), both books had issue 1's out this week. Then there's the debut of Cable in Ultimate X-Men 75, and the very impressive Brubaker run continues with Uncanny X-Men 479. This week also saw the debut of the new Rick Spears series, The Pirates of Coney Island, and if you haven't yet, you really need to check out Rick's first book, Teenagers From Mars, that was EPIC!
So, what won out?
What's my pick of the week this time?
I'm going to have to go with Dead@17 #1.
Pirates was fun, great art, interesting, vibe-ish, cool.
Uncanny had another great issue, with a couple more laugh out loud moments, and "Aw yeah, fucking X-men!" moments too (and really, I haven't had many of those lately).
Gen13 though, after starting strong-ish got progressively worse, to make me wonder by the end why on Earth they rebooted for this??
Soooo, Dead@17 is it.
Great first issue, with a nice little opening moment for returning fans, followed up with the origin of our new series with character introductions and fateful events. It was fun, looking forward to more.
That's it, til next week.
So, now, tell me, what was your favorite pick this week???
Basically, starting this week, of all the books that come out each week I'll pick one that's my favorite, and post it here. Then, and this is the interactive part, you can add your favorite of the week to the comments section.
If we all share, it could be a fun little discussion about the best comics out there!
But that's the key, commenting, sharing, otherwise it's just me rattling on about comics...
Don't pick up new books each week? Then recommend something you read recently!
So, this week was a big one, there were lots of books I was looking forward to.
First off, I've been waiting to check out the new Dead@17 ongoing series from Josh Howard, and I'm a huge Gen13 fan from way back, so the reboot of that had me anxious (but skeptical), both books had issue 1's out this week. Then there's the debut of Cable in Ultimate X-Men 75, and the very impressive Brubaker run continues with Uncanny X-Men 479. This week also saw the debut of the new Rick Spears series, The Pirates of Coney Island, and if you haven't yet, you really need to check out Rick's first book, Teenagers From Mars, that was EPIC!
So, what won out?
What's my pick of the week this time?
Pirates was fun, great art, interesting, vibe-ish, cool.
Uncanny had another great issue, with a couple more laugh out loud moments, and "Aw yeah, fucking X-men!" moments too (and really, I haven't had many of those lately).
Gen13 though, after starting strong-ish got progressively worse, to make me wonder by the end why on Earth they rebooted for this??
Soooo, Dead@17 is it.
Great first issue, with a nice little opening moment for returning fans, followed up with the origin of our new series with character introductions and fateful events. It was fun, looking forward to more.
That's it, til next week.
So, now, tell me, what was your favorite pick this week???
Hey it's Friday the 13th!!! My lucky day... yes I said lucky, that's because after weeks of waiting, and calling, and emailing, so on and so forth, I finally got some copies of issue 3! The extra copies of issue 3 are finally en route, and the handful I had overnighted actually showed up this AM (you know, almost a month after they were printed...)
That means that all the copies sold through the website (and the contest winners) will be shipping tomorrow (sorry again for the wait folks), and I'll start getting out review copies and comps over the next week.
Not to mention, I actually got to see covers B and C printed up... everything looks great! If you've been waiting for me to change the preorder status in the store, or been thinking about picking up some of the other issues or covers, now's the time to shop away, I can always use the support! ;)
Also, as far as I know, the incentive covers never shipped via Diamond, as they didn't show receiving the full qty back on 9/20, and we finally got the remainder delivered to them today as well. So, if you're waiting on those via comic shops they might make it out next week... (and hey man, those Felipe covers are the shit!!! Well worth the wait :)
It's official, the Super Real Special: Super Real VS The Comic Book Industry is on Diamond's schedule for February!
I submitted my solicit information this week for the first ever Super Real Special, so that means it will be in the December Previews catalog, in comic shops for preorder last week of November.
I changed up the covers at the last minute. Diamond seemed eager to promote the book somewhat since it features interior work by the fine Mr. Mahfood, so I used the cover art he'd done earlier this year that I was going to use as a variant on the regular series for the 1 in 5 variant on the special.
Did I mention how cool the special is going to be?!?
Yeah, I think I have... you've gotta see this one folks, it's gonna be cool.
Yes, I did mention a contest up above... In case you missed it, Monday I had a little Super Real Special cover art themed contest that had 2 lucky winners scoring copies of the issue 3 variant covers.
And, in case you played and didn't see who won, our winners were:
Joel Danford - 1st place - a complete set of issue 3 covers
Brant Fowler - runner up - a copy of the Felipe Smith incentive cover C!!
Thanks for playing and keep your eyes peeled for another contest here soon!
Not to mention, I actually got to see covers B and C printed up... everything looks great! If you've been waiting for me to change the preorder status in the store, or been thinking about picking up some of the other issues or covers, now's the time to shop away, I can always use the support! ;)
Also, as far as I know, the incentive covers never shipped via Diamond, as they didn't show receiving the full qty back on 9/20, and we finally got the remainder delivered to them today as well. So, if you're waiting on those via comic shops they might make it out next week... (and hey man, those Felipe covers are the shit!!! Well worth the wait :)
It's official, the Super Real Special: Super Real VS The Comic Book Industry is on Diamond's schedule for February!
I submitted my solicit information this week for the first ever Super Real Special, so that means it will be in the December Previews catalog, in comic shops for preorder last week of November.
I changed up the covers at the last minute. Diamond seemed eager to promote the book somewhat since it features interior work by the fine Mr. Mahfood, so I used the cover art he'd done earlier this year that I was going to use as a variant on the regular series for the 1 in 5 variant on the special.
Yeah, I think I have... you've gotta see this one folks, it's gonna be cool.
Yes, I did mention a contest up above... In case you missed it, Monday I had a little Super Real Special cover art themed contest that had 2 lucky winners scoring copies of the issue 3 variant covers.
And, in case you played and didn't see who won, our winners were:
Joel Danford - 1st place - a complete set of issue 3 covers
Brant Fowler - runner up - a copy of the Felipe Smith incentive cover C!!
Thanks for playing and keep your eyes peeled for another contest here soon!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
IN CASE U MISSED IT: Grindhouse on YouTube
Okay, so I linked to my first YouTube clip earlier this week, Google paid bazillions o' dollars to buy the site, and now I'm linking to another clip... all in the span of a couple days. Tipping point anyone?
Anyway, if you're a Tarantino fanatic like me, or a Rodriguez head (his stock rose tremendously with me after Sin City natch)... then Grindhouse is for you! Or if you just like in your face down and dirty cinema you're probably as excited and feverish with anticipation over the dos directors upcoming double feature as I am.
The good folks at AintItCoolNews.com had a link to the YouTube'd trailer this AM... and it's very cool!
Not sure how much of this is just the mock trailers that run between the features, but we don't even get a glimpse of Kurt Russell drivin his deathmobile, and you know that's gonna be fuckin cool!!!
Can't wait!
Anyway, if you're a Tarantino fanatic like me, or a Rodriguez head (his stock rose tremendously with me after Sin City natch)... then Grindhouse is for you! Or if you just like in your face down and dirty cinema you're probably as excited and feverish with anticipation over the dos directors upcoming double feature as I am.
The good folks at AintItCoolNews.com had a link to the YouTube'd trailer this AM... and it's very cool!
Not sure how much of this is just the mock trailers that run between the features, but we don't even get a glimpse of Kurt Russell drivin his deathmobile, and you know that's gonna be fuckin cool!!!
Can't wait!
Monday, October 09, 2006
Super Real Special CONTEST
Contest time!
With issue 3 out in shops now, and things ramping up for our next installment, the first Super Real Special, SUPER REAL VS THE COMIC BOOK INDUSTRY, I thought it was time to do another contest.
This time I'm giving away a complete set of Super Real issue 3 covers, the regular cover, and both the variants, all 3 covers for the book to the lucky winner. I'll also get a copy of the Felipe Smith incentive variant cover to the runner up!
So what's the contest you ask?
Take a look at the cover to the special, and then leave comments with your guesses to the following...
How many comic book icons are represented in the cover artwork?
Please name them all.
(Click on the pic to see a larger image)
Some are obvious (okay most of them), but there might be one or two that aren't.
Again, the theme of the book is that our Super Real cast members have to face off against challengers who resemble various comic book genre icons. The cover however, is superhero-centric...
The first complete correct answer is the winner, and if anyone gets a partial, the highest guess there is the runner up.
Also, when leaving your guesses, please make sure I have a way to contact the winner/s!!!
Good luck!
For more details on the Super Real Special, go HERE, or HERE
With issue 3 out in shops now, and things ramping up for our next installment, the first Super Real Special, SUPER REAL VS THE COMIC BOOK INDUSTRY, I thought it was time to do another contest.
This time I'm giving away a complete set of Super Real issue 3 covers, the regular cover, and both the variants, all 3 covers for the book to the lucky winner. I'll also get a copy of the Felipe Smith incentive variant cover to the runner up!
So what's the contest you ask?
Take a look at the cover to the special, and then leave comments with your guesses to the following...
Please name them all.
(Click on the pic to see a larger image)
Some are obvious (okay most of them), but there might be one or two that aren't.
Again, the theme of the book is that our Super Real cast members have to face off against challengers who resemble various comic book genre icons. The cover however, is superhero-centric...
The first complete correct answer is the winner, and if anyone gets a partial, the highest guess there is the runner up.
Also, when leaving your guesses, please make sure I have a way to contact the winner/s!!!
Good luck!
For more details on the Super Real Special, go HERE, or HERE
IN CASE U MISSED IT: American Witch video
David Hartman is a filmaker, animator, artist currently working for Disney who creates some amazing horror tinged technicolor landscapes filled with monsters and pretty girls, and he recently did a video for frequent collaborator Rob Zombie, and his song AMERICAN WITCH.
Just watched the video on YouTube and it's awesome,
And while you're there, check out his equally awesome CODENAME EMBRYO animated shorts!!
Just watched the video on YouTube and it's awesome,
And while you're there, check out his equally awesome CODENAME EMBRYO animated shorts!!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
As anyone who follows the book knows by now, the next issue to come from Super Real is the first ever Super Real Special, SUPER REAL VS THE COMIC BOOK INDUSTRY, which will hit shops this February.
I've already announced the format and even previewed a couple sections at San Diego Comic Con, but I haven't yet announced the full line up of guest artists that are contributing. I recently started hinting that there's a big name artist attached to the project, and with things rolling along, I think it's time for full disclosure...
The format is one story told in 5 parts, with each section spotlighting one of our five reality show cast members using their newfound genetic enhancements against stand-ins for comic book icon challengers. The special is entirely scripted by me, and I even draw one section, but the other four scripts are brought to life by guest artists. So, the book not only highlights the series concepts, but it also features some exciting up and coming sequential talent. As if that wasn't enough, one of the sections will be by an established pro, and popular artist who's worked for Oni, Image, Marvel and more!

That's right, JIM motherf'n MAHFOOD will be the first Super Real Special "featured artist"!
Along with Jim on art chores, the full lineup will be:
Participant 1 (Holly Hood) - The Boo (Super Real Shorts)
Participant 2 (Michael Dasquea) - Me (series creator/artist)
Participant 3 (Kityana Bliss) - Edward Pun (issue 2 variant cover, video game artist)
Participant 4 (Warren Campbell) - Jim Mahfood (indy legend)
Participant 5 (Shana Payne) - Daniel Campos (BloodRayne)
Again, each section highlights one cast member in battle against familiar looking foes from the comic industry, and I'm keeping the full lineup of foes secret for the time being (hint, they're not actual comic book icons, but ya know, sort of like them).
The book will be standard size (32 pages), but extra length (roughly 28 pages of story), in black and white, mature readers, with a $3.50 cover price.
It will be in comic shops February 2007, with 2 covers; a regular cover by me (see pic/ad), and a lower ratio ZOMBIE variant cover (yes, Super Real Zombies... you can't have a book highlighting the comic industry and not do something with zombies!!).
As of today, parts (participants) 1 and 3 are fully completed, with the scripting complete on the rest of the book, and the artwork for my section already under way.
Trust me, this book is going to be so a total blast. It showcases the Super Real concept, at the expense of comics/characters everyone knows, it features a great selection of artwork, and takes place between the events of issues 3 and 4. An all out action, mash-up, remix, joy ride extravaganza!
Oh yeah, plus we get to see Warren/The Tool's new secondary enhancement in action for the first time!!
Be sure and tune in tomorrow for a Super Real Special-centric contest, where we'll give out a set of issue 3 variant covers to a lucky winner!!
And stay tuned for more info and previews right here on the TSL blog!
10/7 UPDATE: Lets move the TSL contest to monday 10/9, please tune in then for the details.
As anyone who follows the book knows by now, the next issue to come from Super Real is the first ever Super Real Special, SUPER REAL VS THE COMIC BOOK INDUSTRY, which will hit shops this February.
I've already announced the format and even previewed a couple sections at San Diego Comic Con, but I haven't yet announced the full line up of guest artists that are contributing. I recently started hinting that there's a big name artist attached to the project, and with things rolling along, I think it's time for full disclosure...
The format is one story told in 5 parts, with each section spotlighting one of our five reality show cast members using their newfound genetic enhancements against stand-ins for comic book icon challengers. The special is entirely scripted by me, and I even draw one section, but the other four scripts are brought to life by guest artists. So, the book not only highlights the series concepts, but it also features some exciting up and coming sequential talent. As if that wasn't enough, one of the sections will be by an established pro, and popular artist who's worked for Oni, Image, Marvel and more!
That's right, JIM motherf'n MAHFOOD will be the first Super Real Special "featured artist"!
Along with Jim on art chores, the full lineup will be:
Participant 1 (Holly Hood) - The Boo (Super Real Shorts)
Participant 2 (Michael Dasquea) - Me (series creator/artist)
Participant 3 (Kityana Bliss) - Edward Pun (issue 2 variant cover, video game artist)
Participant 4 (Warren Campbell) - Jim Mahfood (indy legend)
Participant 5 (Shana Payne) - Daniel Campos (BloodRayne)
Again, each section highlights one cast member in battle against familiar looking foes from the comic industry, and I'm keeping the full lineup of foes secret for the time being (hint, they're not actual comic book icons, but ya know, sort of like them).
The book will be standard size (32 pages), but extra length (roughly 28 pages of story), in black and white, mature readers, with a $3.50 cover price.
It will be in comic shops February 2007, with 2 covers; a regular cover by me (see pic/ad), and a lower ratio ZOMBIE variant cover (yes, Super Real Zombies... you can't have a book highlighting the comic industry and not do something with zombies!!).
As of today, parts (participants) 1 and 3 are fully completed, with the scripting complete on the rest of the book, and the artwork for my section already under way.
Trust me, this book is going to be so a total blast. It showcases the Super Real concept, at the expense of comics/characters everyone knows, it features a great selection of artwork, and takes place between the events of issues 3 and 4. An all out action, mash-up, remix, joy ride extravaganza!
Oh yeah, plus we get to see Warren/The Tool's new secondary enhancement in action for the first time!!
Be sure and tune in tomorrow for a Super Real Special-centric contest, where we'll give out a set of issue 3 variant covers to a lucky winner!!
And stay tuned for more info and previews right here on the TSL blog!
10/7 UPDATE: Lets move the TSL contest to monday 10/9, please tune in then for the details.
IN CASE U MISSED IT: Alias Comics gone, Lullaby not?
The point of note for me, centers around one of their secular titles, Lullaby.
Lullaby was a fantasy series, that was at least in part created by it's artist, Hector Sevilla. Now in the press release and follow up from Alias, it's mentioned that Lullaby is one of the secular titles owned by Mike Miller that will possibly be moving elsewhere, apparently without it's artist/creator, Hector Sevilla. Hector recently posted on his DeviantArt page that he would be taking a "break" from Lullaby, and not to ask why in a recent journal entry. Hector also did a variant cover for issue 3 of Super Real, and as the variant artist, did an interview as well, where I asked him about his role in Lullaby, weeks before the now official hiatus and change in publishing on the title. According to Hector, he was at least a partial creator of the series, so it seems a bit odd that Miller lists it as one of his properties (and that Hector won't speak of the situation further, and now appears to be working on a new title). Seems most likely that Miller and Alias set up controlling ownership in the title when agreeing to publish it, and have in some way irked it's creator by changing their publishing plans with it.
Another Alias creator, with one of their "secular" titles, also with a Super Real connection (this time the issue 3 inside cover pinup), is Dave Alvarez and his title Yenny. Dave also just posted a note on his DeviantArt page on the announced Alias change HERE.
So, there you have it, for what it's worth.
I'm not surprised Alias has gone through a publishing change, but I am curious about some of the ramifications.
At the least this means if Lullaby continues, it will most liekly be without artist Hector Sevilla.
Hopefully things work out best for all involved.
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