Monday, November 04, 2013

Night of the 80's Undead 2 - GeekRoom review

Another review for issue two...

Christian Mill of GeekRoom writes "I’ll just get this out of the way first and foremost, Night of the 80′s Undead is one of the most offensive, depraved comic book series I have ever read." ...but then proceeds to be won over by the book, "I’d definitely recommend Night of the 80s Undead #2 to anyone looking for an entertaining horror tale. It does exactly what it sets out to and will not disappoint your expectations in the slightest."

Check out the full review at GeekRoom HERE
Or click to read it below...

Story: Jason Martin
 Pencils: Bill McKay
 Colors: Jason Martin
 Letters: Jason Martin
 Publisher: Action Lab
 Release: On shelves now

 I’ll just get this out of the way first and foremost, Night of the 80′s Undead is one of the most offensive, depraved comic book series I have ever read. It takes place in 1986. As a last ditch effort for the Cold War, Russia deals a blow to the overly excessive American lifestyle in the form of bio-engineered Colombian cocaine that makes those that take it turn into zombies.

 Night of the 80s Undead #2 picks up where the first left off.A group of teens break into a Hollywood party and must team up with 80s action stars, including the Governator, to survive a, “commie coke zombie bash of epic proportions.

 Okay, one thing you should know about this title is that it’s full to the brim with vulgarity. Drugs, sex, nudity, gore, action. Hell, it even says right there on the cover, “This book contains: Coked-out sexcapades, radical violence and totally epic crudeness.” I’ll be honest, when I first picked the title up it was a bit off putting. The context of ever swear seemed a bit too much. The violence seemed a bit excessive and the drug use had me saying WTF in my head.

 However, once I read a few pages in and realized that this title in no way takes itself seriously, it occurred to me: this comic is exactly what it tries to be. Once I realized that, and said to myself, “what I was expecting from a comic that says coked-out sexcapades on the cover?” I could enjoy myself a lot more with it. When you strip away the offensive tones, this may very well be one of the most refreshing comics I’ve read in a good while because it achieves literally everything it sets out to do.

 A completely over the top story premise that evokes memories of ridiculous 80s action moves? Check. One-liners that make you cringe due to the cheesiness? Check. Non-stop 80s style action that is excessive to the extreme? Check. In the closing thoughts essay at the end of the story, Jason Martin mentions that he wanted to do a “fucked up story” about zombies and 80s culture and I must applaud him for successfully reaching that goal. He nailed it.

 Another thing that I loved about this title was both the art and the color. First off, the art was extremely crisp and detailed. The lines were really clean and vivid and had a cartoony feel that went quite nicely alongside the over the top nature of the story. The colors were perfect for the 80s theme too, with a near constant onslaught of pastel-esque, neon reds, yellows and blues. It was great.

 All in all, I’d definitely recommend Night of the 80s Undead #2 to anyone looking for an entertaining horror tale. It does exactly what it sets out to and will not disappoint your expectations in the slightest. 

Will you be picking Night of the 80s Undead #2 up? Sound off in the comments section, or on Twitter @IAmGeekRoom, with your thoughts

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