Saturday, May 20, 2006

SUPER REAL NOTES - First print review!

The long running trade magazine (formerly newspaper), COMIC BUYERS GUIDE, has featured Super Real number 1 in their Tour of the Indies review section in the recent August issue number 1619!

Each issue features tons of comic book reviews, and Super Real's first issue was reviewed in the Indie section, on page 75 of the current issue!

The review was positive, and the book received 2 and 1/2 stars!

This is the first time (to my knowledge) that the book has been reviewed in print!
Click the pic for the review!


Javier Hernandez said...

NICE! Good review, even with the requisite 'rough art' comment. I see your photo insert graphics got some kuddos! :)

Great job, Jason!

Jason Martin said...

First CBG, next Wizard!!

I did actually have two people mention they saw this at the Eugene con yesterday...