Thursday, May 11, 2006

I SAW IT ON TV: Idol no more

Actually didn't see this on TV, as we were out, but heard about it... (but we have Lost on tape, as our new DVR HD digital cable box isn't installed for a couple more hours..)

On MSN TV, they cover the latest AMERICAN IDOL voting results that have shocked the nation HERE
Chris apparently, is gone... velvet tear...
He was my wife's favorite, and now "I have no reason to ever watch Idol again." she proclaimed upon learning the results! Apparently many more are just as upset...

Lucky for me, he was my least favorite of the group...
Go Yaminians!!


Brant W. Fowler said...

I liked Chris and thought he'd be in the finals, but I love all four of the top four, so it's impossible for me to choose at this point. I'll be happy with any of them winning. Though I do have McPheever! :)

Jason Martin said...

Hey Brant!

Thanks for dropping by...

Who's going to win out?
The goof or the girl?!