Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Look, I really don't understand why the mass majority find Empire the best of the trilogy, and at the time Return was my favorite (though in retrospect it's clearly the original), but let's not argue over which of the series was the best, and just all agree that Star Wars was the greatest set of films. ever. made. bar none.

What's that? You weren't old enough to see Star Wars in the theater, or you're criminally miswired so as not to agree with me and the ba-jillions who feel the same?
Well fuck... what a shame.

Do you like Star Wars though?
Really like it?

Me too!!

So, if you're like me, hearing about this book may sound too good to be true. How about a "making of" that's not only all encompassing, but well constructed, and get this, largely compiled during the creation, or just after, of the 1977 film?
I know I must put down the comics long enough to get and read my copy.
What better way to transport back to that magical time in the late 1970's, when a series of films totally blew your mind and swept you, hyperspeed, to a long time ago... yadda yadda yadda.

Check out this review on AICN for THE MAKING OF STAR WARS HERE

There are also some nice behind the scenes photos included.

I know I'll be getting myself the hardcover...

30 years, wow, I remember discussing with my friend "10 years, so long ago" when I was just a mere dumb-ass teen listening to my Joshua Tree cassette-tape circa the summer of 1987, and getting pseudo-rabid for the release of the remastered editions 10 years ago...

1 comment:

Jason Berek-Lewis said...

I LOVE Star Wars too! The original trilogy is the story that made me want to tell stories :D