In a mere couple hours I'll be taking the fully loaded SRG-mobile up the highway to sell the first copies of the brand spankin new Zombie Tramp graphic novels (due in shops next month kids), as well as ZT shirts and prints (one of which is the special one we did for the show, pictured in my last post) at ZomBcon in the Seattle Center.
Not to mention, I've created a life size Janey, the Zombie Tramp, for kids and grandfolks to get their picture with as they buy all these undead goodies!!!!
And although nearly all my time of late has been Zombie Tramp related, I'll try and do some zombie slash good girl art this weekend myself, and maybe show off this snazzy new WIP promo (with fabulous line art by John Fortune) for my upcoming GN, Con of the Dead?!?!

Plus, the wife and I will be hitting the Zombie Prom (aka Halloween party)...
Oh, and, BONUS ROUND! I also get to pick up the copies of the book, just released from customs (after being delayed since last Monday, 10/18), which are also in Seattle, while at the show (to turn around and ship to Diamond upon my return to Portland Monday!)
Whew!!! I'm tired already!
Sigh, if only I could get some rest first...
See ya there, or on the other side!!!
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