Means I have to get up at 4AM.
Last year for my trip to WWLA, I skated in to PDX about an hour before the flight, and was greeted with a horror show... it was spring break-ish, and packed. Lines here, lines there, lines everywhere.
It took a sprint the length of the airport to make my flight.
So tomorrow, I'm trying to avoid that.
The reason I'm flying early?
Well the show opens at 1PM, and I want to get to the convention hall early to set up.
I really like to spend as much time on the show floor as possible, to maximize my opportunities. So the perpetual tardy, last minute guy that normally operates my body, turns into one punctual dude. Go figure.
I must love the shit out of this stuff.
Hope to see some friendly faces in La-La-Land, and make some new ones.
I know my good buddy Jav (Javier Hernandez to all who haven't met the good man), creator of El Muerto:
will be helping me out Saturday (what a stud!).
I also plan on picking up the original from Mr. Mahfood for his swanky Super Real cover.
Here's the info: Wizard World LA - Friday March 17th thru Sunday 19th, artist alley 1315B (link on the side)
Yes, it's here.
After taming the waves of the mighty Pacific ocean, and getting shuffled off to a Seattle warehouse, the copies of our exciting second issue were boosted today by yours truly!
See, long story short, I needsed thems like yesterday times 10, so I trucked up I5 to get em, so's I could ships em out to you fine folk at the comic shops round the world (and still meet my contractually obligated distribution schedule thingy).
Plus, BONUS, I now have them in my hands for WWLA!!!
I'm dedicated.
Besides, after driving to San Francisco last month for Wondercon, 175 miles each way was nothin!
So yeah, issue two is now in the online store, en route to Diamond (should reach shops Wednesday the 29th), and available from me, in person, at Wizard LA tomorrow!
I'm off to bed to get 5 hours rest...
Jason have fun in LA! i wish i could make it but work got in the way this year. can't wait for the update when you get back!
Have a great time in LA. I wish I could make it, but the Pacific Ocean got in the way this year :D I really hope you get a good boost from the con and I am sure fan reaction will be positive. I can't wait for #2 ...
Thanks guys!
It was a good show.
Really busy all around, but always fun!
#2 should make most shops on the 29th I'm guessing (I'll have to check), but I'm not sure how long it takes to reach down under...
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