Already officially on the schedule for February, the Super Real Special: SUPER REAL VS THE COMIC BOOK INDUSTRY, needs to head to the printers shortly. So, as I decide on a printer, I'm getting the final pages squared away, things like the inside front cover, back covers, ads, maybe a TSL page, etc etc.
Here's a look at the inside front cover which is not quite final...
I'd originally hoped to do a page on each section's artist, but the stories ran longer, at mostly 6 pages each, so that ate up a bunch of space in a 32 page book. But hey, no one's going to complain about a few extra pages of story and art, the book should run at 29 pages. (Extra length - woo hoo! Bigger is better!)
I say "should" because well, I'm still finishing my section... and I'm not sure if it'll run 5 or 6 pages. We'll see shortly as it'll be done by next week.
Also, I just got the pages from Daniel's section, and he didn't have time to ink them, so I'm looking to get those either inked, or I'll digitally do them myself (resolving that right now)...
It's all coming together nicely though, and looking good for an early February release! The way Diamond works, you don't get the numbers until the month before the book is scheduled, so the first week of January I should see how it did. The idea was the concept, guest artists (featuring name talent), and a new number one would hopefully draw in some more eyes... we'll see! But I'm trying to have it ready to print once I get the PO from Diamond...
As I've mentioned, the next issue of the series is in the pipeline too. With it being solicited in next month's Previews (February, January's was the one that came out yesterday) for April release. I'm shooting for a quasi bi-monthly schedule in 07.
I say quasi, because there's another potential stealth project to follow number 4 in June... but it's still a bit soon to reveal that. However, it is very exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The plan would then be to follow that with number 5 in August, and so on...
Plus there's that other top secret thing I'm working on for April...
I guess it's no longer secret, it's official, but I'll wait till I have something more developed to reveal it. It'll be my first work outside of Super Real, published by someone else, and it's a very cool project! :D
So, lots of stuff happening in 2007, that I'm cookin up now!
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