Wednesday, June 03, 2009

SUPER REAL NOTES: Graphic Novel new colors 2

This week I'm doing a little show and tell of the production for the Super Real graphic novel collection, and focusing on the inclusion of the Super Real VS The Comic Book Industry special issue, which was originally in black and white, but will now be in color.

There were five sections in the special, each by a different artist, and my section was in color (of sorts) already, so that left four sections needing color, with no time on my schedule to do it.

Yesterday we looked at samples of the first section, and today we'll focus on another, the section by Edward Pun, who worked in a manga style, as his section pit our cast member Kit against Poke-Zap, a Pokeman stand-in.

It was also one of the sections I filled via an open call, so today, here are the two sample pages I received for the section...

So that's Ed's lineart (with grayscale), and sample 1 by Jesus Alessandro Esparza Hurtado, and sample 2 by Fabián Cobos...

Both samples were cool, but quite similar, so I had a tough time picking. Stay tuned to see some future samples from the selected artist!

And again, a big thanks to everyone who took the time to do up some samples, and color some pages!

Tune in tomorrow for more before and after from new colorists on new artists!

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