For the longest time it looked like my streak of exhibiting at
Comic-Con, since 2003, would come to an end this year... however, after pestering the exhibits folks with the show for months, they finally caved and got me a spot off the waiting list. So, I'm excited to say I'll be back in the small press area this year, in space L7, and on the ground floor of the massive event, offering my comic wares to the 125,000 attendees.

Again, like last year, I'll have my friend, collaborator, and now official SRG creator,
Dan Mendoza, sitting in with me, along with our wives (we ponied up and paid the new premium fees for extra badges). Dan and I will be promoting the publishing of his subversively fun zombie comic,
Zombie Tramp, under the
Super Real Graphics and the Super Real Graphics Presents original graphic novel line, via Diamond and comic book retailers this October. We've been selling
Zombie Tramp comics for the last year to much success, so we're making the efforts there more official.. more details on that to come!

I'm taking advantage of the massive SDCC spotlight to also launch my long anticipated digital comics publishing effort, Super Real Digital, which will bring the entire SRG catalog to availability online, eventually in all popular formats, in addition to many new incredible works joining the line... more to come on that
very soon!
With another big focus of the show being on the long teased comic book project follow up to Super Real,
Pulp Girls (Pulp Girls of course being my collection of concepts inspired by subversive genre and pulp heroes, all with a female centric twist).
While the Pulp Girls project is is still in pre-production, I can't help but share some of the exciting work that's being created. So I created two special limited edition 16 page comics just for the show, featuring two different Pulp Girls concepts; Swiss Army Woman, and Vampblade!
These new books will be limited to only 100 copies each and sell for $5. Both contain one full story:
Swiss Army WomanBy myself and new artist to the project Chris Mullins (SKAD student), along with a never before published Swiss Army Woman sketchbook section!
VampbladeBy myself and Justin Wayne (
Nosferatu OGN Viper Comics), with the first full Vampblade story and several pages from the next part, all showcasing Justin's amazing inked and toned linework (and only offered in this version)!
If you can't make it to the show, I have both books available, until the show opens, in the Pulp Girls

I'll also have the last of the 2009 Pulp Girls books, my 2009 sketchbook, as well as my new 2010 sketchbook (available now for $10 with US/domestic shipping included, PayPal or email, fan art, sketches, sketch cards, the
Super Real Graphic novels (with limited sketch plates),
SR Distro books, and peeks at upcoming efforts!
I can't wait to see all the fans and familiar faces that the show brings, and get to meet friends and collaborators in person for the first time, and make new ones. SDCC is always my favorite event of the year, bar none!
Hope to see you at the show!
Stay tuned for more updates!