"Above all this was fun and more than a little silly but it just captures so much of what the 80’s were like that it’s nostalgic and campy and all kinds of goodness and if you want something that’s interesting and makes you laugh then ask your retailer to order this for you!"
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Night of the 80's Undead #1 (of 3)
September 12, 2013
Story, Colours, letter Assists: Jason Martin
Pencils: Bill McKay
Alright so I’m a little late with this one though it’s not my fault since my store didn’t get it when it first came out and I had to have it special ordered for me. Still was it worth the wait is the real question well let me answer it this way. If you took say Night of the Comet and threw it in the blender with say Toxic Avenger you’d have this book as a result. Over the top mocking of a culture that was fun to live through but horrid to revisit yet still has enough kitsch entertainment value today to make it laugh out loud fun!
Here it is in a nutshell, the Russians have created a virus and synthesized it into cocaine bricks so that once you snort you become a mindless savage beast full of murderous mayhem. Of course it isn’t typically a zombie story since once you snort you continue to crave cocaine and will kill everyone, including yourself, standing in your way of getting more. Still it’s an genius diabolical plot to undermine the rich and famous in America in the decadent 80’s.
Two valley girls want to go to a big Hollywood party so you know they have to sneak out and change in the car, while driving. They enter a part in full on rage mode and I’ve got to say it’s pretty effin epic. Complete with eighties slang and fashions this really could be one of those unsung finds that could become an instant cult classic. Granted there is a wonderful plot behind all this but it’s handled more like a comedy of errors afterward with the usual 80’s horror clichés thrown in for good measure.
It has serviceable artwork and the blood and guts isn’t so gory as to make it gross. Above all this was fun and more than a little silly but it just captures so much of what the 80’s were like that it’s nostalgic and campy and all kinds of goodness and if you want something that’s interesting and makes you laugh then ask your retailer to order this for you!
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