Thursday, October 03, 2019

This weekend only... NOT AT THE BIG CON

For the third year in a row I will not be at the big show in New York :(
So I've decided to have my own special little con...

And just what am I doing?

FIRST - SWISS ARMY WOMAN 2019 PREVIEW BOOK (limited edition)
Since I'm ramping up to launch my next Kickstarter (very very soon) for SWISS ARMY WOMAN, I thought I'd do a new preview book for that (since the 2018 SDCC preview book is long sold out)!

2019 preview book - KICKSTARTER coming soon!
This will be a new run of 25 copies, same as the last preview book (so those that have that don't need it).The main difference being, of the 8 preview pages, 5 are now in color (last time they were all black and white). Plus some other minor difference (like different extras).
Once again the books are over-sized, heavy gauge, super glossy and 12 pages for $25ea

Message me on one of my socials, email me, or pick it up from my store HERE

I'll also be offering all of my back issues for a reduced price THIS WEEKEND ONLY!
Since I don't have to pay to ship them and lug them around and what not, instead of charging my normal $8 a book (with buy 4 get 1 free), I'll be charging just $5 each!! And still buy 4 get 1 free!
What a deal!!
That's cover price (or less)!! (I know??)


This weekend only, and supplies are limited.
So take a look and let me know if you want anything.
(And you can always add anything from my eBay or store to the list - see links at top of page for those!)

Hell, I may even do some sketch covers and offer those up!
It's the first (and hopefully last) N@TBCINYC, so lets have some fun!
(Though surely not as much fun as those at the actual show) :(

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