Just updated the SRG.com main page with a new ultra-clean/uber-enhanced layout. More content, less clutter... all killer, no filler... you know.
Let me know what you think!
Anything I didn't think of, or more functionality it's lacking?
Any broken doo-dads I didn't catch?
Anyone get all tingly like me when they look at it? (okay, I'm stretching now)
looks good. only weird thing i noticed is all the pages with black backgrounds have white backgrounds around the edge of the screen, if not larger chunks of white on the lower right side of the screen (the page2.html link, forum, gallery, links, about me, contact, newsletter). looks like it's because you start your html with th table tag, and not with the head and setting a background colour.
but i only notice that because i started messing with markup again last night.
Good ovservation mi amigo...
Perhaps you can school this html-challenged not-so-wannabe web designer on a thing or two?
I'll dig around the web from some tags along those lines and see if I can fix that...
Okay, I just threw in a "body bgcolor=black" tag, and that seems to have worked...
Anyone know if that's cool, tag wise, or output on your screen wise?
did you change the gallery and links pages, too? that, or they just aren't reloading the new versions for me yet... but the others look fine.
as for "proper" and clean code... the 'learn html in 24 hours' book from sams publishing (or something like that) was a good book. and while i can get something nice every so often, i can't explain too much too well.
No, haven't changed all the pages yet...
Just the one's that use the main page format.
Thanks for the recommend on the book, but honestly the chances of me reading anything to learn are slim to never (unless it's like 32 pages, with lots of pictures)... 8)
yeah, i know... trust me, i know. i was amazed when i managed to read the annotated dragonlance chronicles recently... or chronicles of narnia...
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