There are a metric ton of books I've read in the last two weeks, so lets get to it!
GEN13 #4 - As if the fill-in pages in the horrible issue 3 weren't enough, this issue is all fill-in, and continuing the terrible storyline... YUCK!
SUPERGIRL #12 & 13 - This title continues it's chaotic, jumbled existence... To make things even more wonky, issue 12 is out of continuity, by a different creative team...
ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #95 & 96 - I pile up this title till an arc completes, and I'd mistakenly had these two with the neverending Clone Saga, so I pulled them out and read them... Probably the weakest two issues of this great series, I didn't need, or like, Ultimate vampires...
DMZ #6-12 - If you follow my weekly rundowns, you may get the idea I don't read much outside Marvel, superheroes, and Image... well, most of that "other" stuff makes for good reading in complete or longer arcs, so I don't regularly talk about fabulous books like DMZ. This is a great book, Wood's fully realized spin on American society gone wrong is made only better by the fabulous Riccardo Burchielli. This run contains a great arc, and two one-shots, #11's ZEE NYC reteams Wood with his excellent SuperMarket collaborator, Kristian Donaldson, but issue 12's infogasam is too much for me...
BATTLESTAR GALACTICA #4 & 5 - Still solid as we transition to a new arc. I like the writing, I like the art, and I like how the book takes some bolder more creative (at least creatively different from the show) turns...
GODLAND #14 & 15 - Continues to be the vibrant, bold, dripping in comic bookery cosmicness yarn that's fun to follow...
THE SPIRIT #1 & 2 - Picked these up because I'd seen so many good words online, and I love Darwyn Cookes work, I just have no affinity for The Spirit. I can appreciate that Eisner is a comics god, but I've never been exposed to his work, and outside his obvious master craft, there's nothing about his work that draws me in, it's all too days gone by for me... and this book has all of that offer, it's true to Eisner, but I gave in, and took a look. I'm glad I did, I'm not blown away, sure if I didn't know who Eisner or Cooke were, I'd easily be, but I expect it to be great comics, and it is. And while great comics are still great comics, there's not much about the character or the set ups that light my fire...
ULTIMATE X-MEN #78 - Decent conclusion to the best arc in a long while here, but a little loose of a wrap up...
X-MEN FIRST CLASS #5 - These throw away stories continue to be fun, mostly for the spot on characterization of Parker (and Cruz's art), but in the end, they're throw aways, and I'm ready for this to end with issue 6 (but it goes to 8). Let's hope the final issues do something bigger than what we've seen yet to justify the extra length...
THE CRYPTICS #2 - Picked this up on a whim because of the spiffy Ben Roman artwork, and I thought it was a number 1 (as the issue number is cleverly hidden, in plain sight, in the cover art)... despite my never having enjoyed anything from Steve Niles. It was good though. Fun, not great, but buoyed by Roman's sugary sweet art...
ZOMBIES VS ROBOTS #2 - Didn't realize this, yet another zombie book from IDW, had Ash Wood interiors, so I grabbed a copy from the shelf when I saw it... It's got great Wood-work (hunh, did I just create that?) and is a fun story (yes, indeed the theme of this section). Very light and breezy, but I've come to expect that from Wood, and am willing to shell out the dinero for his unique visuals. The sequel looks fun too!
DINOWARS #1 - Rod Espinosa does a lot of stuff for Antarctic Press, he's quite talented, and I always tell myself to check out more of it... Well this concept, Dinosaurs coming to reclaim Earth was just the FUN (see, it's fun, who'da thunk) concept to nab my duckets. Great comics here, action movie setup, mix media manga-style full color visuals...
THUNDERBOLTS #110 - I've enjoyed T-Bolts off and on, missed their debut years, but have quite a few later issues piled up and waiting to be read, they're good solid team superbooks. This, the new heavyweight villain roster by Ellis kicks off, and I'm back to give it a go. Solid start, a bit slow in developing, but I'm down for more...
STORMWATCH POST HUMAN DIVISION #3 - Gage and Mahnke continue the perfect balance established with issue 2 here, rich characterization, solid super powered themes, and wonderful scripting/plotting. This is one of the best books going...
SPIDER-MAN REIGN #2 - Queue up the LL (Momma Said Knock You Out, that is)... "Don't call it a comeback" is not only a perfect line and track for a soundtrack to this issue, but for Mr Andrews and this book on me as well. Issue 1, while accomplished, was too derivative for me, in every way, of Frank Miller and Dark Knight. Having choked down that hoarse of a pill, issue 2 goes down much easier... I no longer care how slavish the book is to DK, it doesn't matter, it still works, and has more than enough of it's own going on. If issue 3 and 4 continue this rise, we could be in for some truly DK-level comics too...
Even with all the books I covered this time, I still had to give Eve here the main pick, for a number of reasons, the least of which is that this is just such a damn pretty book to look at, and that starts with the beautiful cover. Josh's simple, clean art, lends itself so well to cover images. He uses an economy of lines, that when coupled with some strong graphic work, as it is here, makes for covers that just jump out at you. The enhanced paper stock only intensifies that here. Inside, the book is laid out nicely too, with a long intro akin to a novel or graphic novel, with titles and text intros... again simple, but only adding to and building on the cover. The interior pages, are of course, also nicely done.
But the real reason this book shines, and that I am most appreciative, is for it's ambition. Crafting a mix of biblical themes, grand fantasy, and large scale adventure for a comic book unlike anything before, or some time, at least in my recollection. Howard, a fan of the likes of Lewis and Tolkien, takes his cues from their works, and incorporates religious elements, without making the story about that, adding levels I'm sure, that different folks can draw from as the story goes on, while keeping it engaging and rewarding for all, and not at all preachy.
Of course, this is just the first issue, but what's presented here gives every indication Josh can pull it all off.
How about you, what's your pick this week???
The usual wide-ranging round-up of comics courtesy of Mr. Martin. My hat goes off to you for blowing off Eisner, dude!! You're a lot braver than us other comics folks!!
I'll have to pick up that Book of Eve from Josh. Sounds very cool, and I have no doubt the interiors are A+!!
And that Spider-Man J in the new SPIDER-MAN FAMILY looks pretty wild! Had no idea there was a new Japanese Spidey. I love the one from the 70s, illustrated by manga icon Ryoichi Ikegami (Crying Freeman). I'll pick up that Spidey Family, cause I also love the idea of 100+ page comics!!
Ha ha!
You tryin to get me in trouble Jav-Man?!?
I didn't blow off Eisner, I gave hime respect, the man is a comic god, no doubt... I just said his stuff doesn't draw me in.
Had I the time, and money, I'd certainly make the effort (as I type this, I realize I kinda owe it to myself to do it regardless).
Manga Spidey, the Ryoichi Ikegami must be the version Marvel started to translate about 8-9 years ago in comic format (along with X-Men)?
I picked up a couple of those.
I know nothing of Spider-Man J, like how old/current it is...
But yeah, for Spidey freaks, the Family books are a good deal an all, I picked up the first one for the Mangaverse Spidey with cool Skottie Young arts!
But the rest of the book was bleh
I'm sure I'll end up nabbing the new one too, McKeever's a good writer, and I love Kano's stuff... aside from the already intriguing Spidey J.
Pick up Eisner's THE DREAMER and try it out. It's a semi-autobiographic story of a young cartoonist getting his start in the funnybook biz back in The Day. Among other things, look for a young Jack Kirby raising hell in the old comics 'sweat shops'!
You're cool man,'re cool!
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