Thursday, July 03, 2008



Well friends, my new volume of Super Real Graphics Presents is official. It's been in the works for a while now, and I've been dying to spill about it, but the book is now setup with Diamond, so it's time to start talking it up...

The newest volume of innovative creator-owned graphic novella's is from my friend, Grant Gould!

Grant's a longtime freelance genre artist, known for his sketch cards and works for Lucasfilm etc, and when he started teasing a little project with Viking werewolves, it really caught my eye... now I'm lucky enough to help bring that comic book to the world.

The book is called THE WOLVES OF ODIN and is a mix of Lord of the Rings style fantasy, Norse mythology, and Werewolves!

Wolves banner

You can check out more info on the book, and get on the newsletter for updates, as it makes it's way to comic book shops this November (which means it's in the September PREVIEWS catalog, which is out to shops the last week of August for preorders) via the all new Wolves of Odin blog/website HERE

Not final cover art

I'm really excited about Wolves, Grant's art is just great, and the story here is simply amazing!! It also makes a nice transition from the first SRG Presents volume, Gnome, and fits perfectly with the line.

So, that's 2 Super Real Graphics Presents books for you to choose from, and with a little luck, more on the way in 2009!! Maybe even something by this Jason Martin guy that does Super Real...

Check it out, get on the newletter, and STAY TUNED!


Javier Hernandez said...


Very cool there, Mr. Guy! That's a sharp looking piece there. I'm liking the SR line of graphic novellas.

Nice to see you working on this publishing venture, as well as your own work.

Edward Pun said...

Wow... Grant Gould... dude, that is freakin' awesome! Look forward to seeing the book!!!