Thursday, July 02, 2009

SUPER REAL NOTES: SRG Gnome cover artist on ATTACK OF THE SHOW, named SDCC correspondent!!!

The first SRG Presents volume, Gnome - by Dave Dwonch, sported a cover by his friend, bay area rapper/artist, Super Ugly (aka John Williams). We all just did a room share for Heroes con, and John had submitted for G TV's SDCC 09 guest correspondent contest... "Dark Horse Pop Culture Fanatic"

Turns out John was announced as the winner live on ATTACK OF THE SHOW today!!!

Congrats Ugly!!!!

So, John should be doing some of the on camera work for G4/AOTS during their hours of live Comic-Con coverage... NICE!

You can find John/Ugly's art HERE
and music HERE

Dave and John also do a pod cast, The Geek Savants, for which I was a guest during Heroes con... check out the podcast HERE

That's right kids, comic book dreams really do come true!!!
Now let's get some SRG love on G4 baby!!!!!


Javier Hernandez said...

Hey, that's pretty cool. Man, I tell ya, SUPER REAL has star-making powers!! Congrats to Super Ugly!

laurghita said...

Can you activate RSS for this blog ?!