Friday, November 04, 2005


Now, I'd read a bit about the upcoming Amazing Fantasy #15 from Marvel, and how they were going to break some new concepts in that issue, to honor the original version #15's successful launch of the blue and red arachnid, but I hadn't heard much since...

Over on, who have a comics section, they've got a feature that outlines the six, count em six, new concepts debuting in this issue, as well as a breakdown of the talent involved. Not only are there six brand new character/concepts offered in this issue, turns out they're from some of the biggest rising talent in the marvel bullpen!

Looks interesting. Especially for all of you out there that moan Marvel (or DC for that matter) never take a chance on any new concepts/ideas/properties. Time to put your money where your mouth is, and check these out!

See the whole IGN rundown HERE

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