Now updated with pics!I'm still recovering from another long, travel, con weekend, so sorry for the lack of updates...
On top of that, I'm really behind on production of the book, so I'll keep things brief... (oops, that didn't happen)
This was my first time out to the Wizard World Philadelphia convention, and I was impressed all around.
From the size and attendance of the show, to the wealth of stellar artist alley talent, the crazy cool neighbors, and the general location of the convention hall.
One of the main problems with most big cons are that the convention centers are located away from any kind of necessary amenities required by travelers, like affordable restaurants and shopping. Not the case at the Pennsylvania Convention Center as it is adjacent to a large market that's home to dozens of produce and fresh food sellers, as well as restaurants of all variety. I did find out however, the only drawback here was that the market closed at 6pm (same time the con closed) and on Sundays.
You can't win them all.
Otherwise, most hotels and downtown attractions were all concentrated directly around the hall. Wow, that's nice.

I flew in on the Thursday night/Friday AM red eye direct from PDX to Philadelphia, at just around 5 hours, catching some pretty good sleep en route. I arrived at Philly just before 7AM EST, which is 4AM PST, my time... so ya know jet lag is not gonna be avoided when doing that kind of time warp... any way, since it was relatively early, I had no problem catching a shuttle once I figured out how to.
TIP: Here's something I've learned recently, you can take a moderately priced shuttle bus from just about any airport to downtown area attractions for a fraction of the cost of a cab, or rental of course. Usually only having to pay 8 to 10 dinero plus tip.
So got that done and went straight to the convention hall by 8AM (in LA I made the mistake of going to my hotel first, expecting it to be accross the street, to only find out it was several blocks away). Now I thought the hall opened to exhibitors at 9AM and I'd have to wait, but I turns out it was 8 and I went straight in and was able to get set up by the time the show opened at 10 no problem. Even making a trip out for a real sit down breakfast at the aforementioned market across the street!
As for the show, and the rest of the trip, it was a blur...

I had some great neighbors, a local t-shirt designer/aspiring inker/indy publisher/comic shop employee, JD on one side, and Michigan pin-up artist
TC Cor on the other. Both stand up guys with cool and friendly friends and significant o's... for JD's crew, that's good, cuz I only had a 4' artist alley space, and therefore split the other 4' of a table with him.
He had these really cool "Don't make me choke a bitch" Darth Vader shirts, and "Zod Posse" among others. He needs to update his website some more, but it is
PunchThroat.comThere you should find mini comics, indy anthologies and cool silk screened shirts shortly!
He even inked up a sketch of mine on the spot (see sidebar)! His inking portfolio looked top notch to me, so I'd be surprised if he's not working in the industry post haste!!
As for the previously mentioned wealth of artist alley talent to be found, watch for some CON SWAG updates coming soon highlighting some of those...
I also had the good fortune of being interviewed for live on Friday AM, so you should see a review for issues 1 and 2 of the book and the interview in Stephanie Mangold's
HEY SUPERGIRL column up on there soon as well.
I got to meet many folks in person for the first time, or others in genral... such as
Jamar Nicholas, creator of the
Detective Boogaloo, Hip-Hop Cop webcomic, the crew from
Fenickx, some friends from MySpace, my print rep from Regent Publishing, former Marvel Comics editor and kickin creator C.B. Cebulski, creative director and Super Real advertiser Frederik Hautain (all the way from Belgium I might add!), Super Real reviewer and columnist Dan Head, the crew from (who also review and enjoy Super Real), and many more!

Other than that it was the usual bevy of awesome folks checking out the book, getting sketchbooks or sketches, and stopping by to say hey and get their books signed... speaking of, this con was by far the worst occurrence of mistaken identity for me yet, I had several folks looking for me throughout the weekend expecting to get their Jason Martin "the inker" comics signed... Yes, I'm a Jason, we are legion, but Jason Martin's are rather frequent too, and well, I'm not that Jason Martin. Wish I'd inked Joe Mad, Adam Warren and others, but alas, I haven't.

When I plotted my course into self-publishing, I was hoping this wouldn't be a problem, but more and more it is. It's not fun dissapointing folks all weekend long when they realize they've got the wrong dude... I mean, I know it's not for them, cause it's generally written all over their face, like it's my fault.
I might have to do something crazy like adopt my email name or throw in an exclamation point, or as someone else has taken to doing, calling myself "the" Jason Martin. Let me know what you think about that!
So, let me finish by saying it was a great show, not as good sales wise as LA for whatever reason, but still good in that regard, but overall, the con, the people, the city, the coordination, was great. A huge thanks to everyone I met and picked up stuff from me over the weekend!!
I went straight from sketching past the show close of 5PM to the shuttle and 8:30 flight to PDX and the drive home by 12:30AM Tuesday PST. Monday, I was a bit zombie-ish till noon and then was back on track. Another marathon completed successfully!!
Now stay tuned for those CON SWAG updates, hopefully soon...