Sorry for the blog silence... I was away for a 3 day camping excursion amidst the fir trees and lakes of fabulous Mt. Hood - having that the weekend following a 3 day con trek to Philly makes me kind of behind.
But no worries there! Hopefully I've hashed out a new battle plan for the book that is falling into place nicely... more on that as it is finalized!
The bottom line is, I have just enought time in my schedule to finish number 3, and still get it some extra attention, hopefully!
Also, the top secret Super Real project I'm working up is moving along nicely, and should also be ready for public knowledge soon!!
It's very cool, and very exciting!! And just what every Super Real fan is crying for!!!
Thought I'd pop in real quick and share some of the art that was waiting for me in my inbox upon my return this afternoon (at least the one I CAN share)...
Below you'll see the Hector Sevilla 1 in 4 variant cover to issue 3, colored up by Eve from
Here's what I want you loyal, but sometimes not too vocal TSL readers to do - Leave me a comment as to which version you prefer (I'm a generally indecisive guy, and with artwork variations, you tend to find reasons to like all of them), so I have my favorite, but I thought I'd see what you all thought.
Here's the thing, I've also been wanting to do another contest... so this is it!
Everyone who comments with their choice of the two, gets a shot at a free copy of my latest sketchbook, with a sketch of your choice included, FREE!!
All you have to do is help me decide wich version is best for the cover of issue 3.
The book has to go to press soon, so let's keep this open through Friday 6/16, at that point I'll put all the names in one of my Super Real caps, and select the lucky winner!
The Super Real issue 3 variant cover colors - "You decide!" Contest!!
Go for it!
What the...?
I can't believe no one has commented here. I'm Daniel Campos aka Stalk from DeviantART ( by the way. I read your journal about the cover choices here and I gotta go with the pants on this one. Her legs are killer and my man, Hector throws down some mean lines. So it's pants for me please, part of a great gift is the giftwrap if ya get my drift.
Hi Jason.
I too am suprised about the little responce thus far....but hopefully that will change soon. ;)
In my opinion pantsON-version gives a nice symmetrically balanced look (if you squint your eyes) with the gray-colour on the leg and torso-part of the suit. The high-spot on the leg is really nice touch as well.
But my vote goes for the pantsOFF-version, because it feels so open and free. The warm tone of the leg also draws the eye's attention quicker for the cover, which I think is never a bad thing. ;)
Both look really good, rendering is really solid (way to go Redeve!) and colour-scheme looks very pleasant.
Waddup Jason.
I'm down with pants OFF.
The reddish/orange of the legs provides good color contrast to the cool greens and grays.
Thanks for posting guys!!!
Thanks for dropping by, I've checked out your gallery before, and you've got some really nice sequentials!
I'm all for giftwrapping myself too...
Thanks for droppin by man!
We'll have to get some more color from ya sometime!!
It's your first post on TSL!!! Congrats bro!
Hey Jason, It's Artassassin from....well pretty much everywhere.
I too would go with the pantsless version. Sexiness aside, it does offer a good contrast in colors and tones. It balances out the picture a little better. It almost has a Ying-Yang quality about it.
Good luck with the decision. And remember, if you ever need a contributing artist, I'm always available, nudge nudge wink wink.
They both look good, but I think the NO PANTS looks better.
I gotta go with the pants OFF version myself. just looks a lot more...Super Real, ya know?
Hmm alot of no pants votes
well jason it 00wiz you know im a guy that just loves chicks in tight tight pants wooo tight pants.
Hey folks!
It's the last day of the contest, and so far we have 9 official votes!! (if we count Ed's from the other thread 8)
The tally so far is
Pants - 3
No Pants - 6
It's gonna take a really strong finish for pants to win, but I haven't cast my vote yet, so maybe that will sway the balance... ;)
Thanks to everyone who's voting!!
I vote for Pants, because without them seems a litte apelative, and you dont need with pants is less obvious...i guess. =)
Hi, Jason
i prefer the pantless one, it fit with the atmosphere of he image itself...
over all the image is amazing (the 2 versions) they got killer lines and colors) bt still i go for the pantless version it's warm and cute.
p.s. i sent an email before with my vote.
Best regards
Hey Moanis,
The contest is already over, but thank you for voting!
You picked the winner, and if I add your vote to the total, that's 7 for "no pants" and 4 "with pants".
So no pants it is!
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