It's day two of our TSL contest for a free copy of the current Super Real sketchbook (with sketch!), so don't forget all you have to do is pop over to this
thread and leave your pick of the two cover treatments!
Speaking of, here they are, all mocked up...
Yo Jason!
I think I commented in the wrong place, earlier! haha
I like the "PANTS OFF" version better.
The reddish/orange tone of the legs and face offer good contrast to the greens and grays in the rest of the picture.
Nah, you had it right...
I asked for the comments to be added over on the other post, but either will work.
Seems like everyone wants her pants off so far, imagine that!
I too think it makes for more contrast and pop!
I'm going against the grain and vote for PANTS ON.
The costume design holds up better as a whole.
Aw shucks!
Thanks Ed!!
Did you get my reply to your email the other day?
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