As some artwork comes in, and I'm nearly brought to tears (of joy), I can not help but share a tease of some images here...
And because I like doing the contests on the blog, how about the first person to correctly guess what this TOP SECRET SUPER REAL PROJECT entails, gets themselves a free copy of the 2006 Vol2 Sketchbook (with personal sketch) for their efforts! Guesses as to what it may be, it's theme, the setup, etc.
Go on, I dare ya to figure it out! There're some pretty good clues in the artwork.
So, what the hell is the deal with issue 3 anyway?!
For the astute Super Real observer, you may have noticed my communications all pointing towards a late June release. That would make the book shipping by no later than next week.
Well I can tell you it will not be shipping then, without a doubt.
What I can't tell you yet is why not, and when it really will...
Sorry, like the first item, it's still not something I can share (unfortunately, as much as I'd like to). I'm waiting on word from another party as to where we stand.
The good news is that the update won't be too much longer (hopefully next week), and the delay will also get the book more attention, with the extra time allowing me to better finish it up as well. Which, aside from the delay, are all good things!
hmm well i think i know what the project is. Your doing the challenges for each character of super real and some of them are not doing very well. Each artist is putting their own spin on your script. the setup is like a elmintation round i.e big brother or survior,plus the character a using their enhancements for the first time in battle
Thanks for trying... some good guesses, but a ways off yet.
You got one element - we're doing a challenge for each cast member, individually...
And another element - each section is from my script, by a different artist.
However, it's not an elimination round (nice idea though), and it's not their first time using their enhancements (that comes in issue 3, which this will follow).
So keep those guesses coming... there's still at least one KEY element not picked up on yet!
dang so close yet so far well. Im gonna give it another shot since i got 2 /3. The only other things i can think of is introduction of some villians that pay some homage to well established
hero's from other major companies and the revelation that there is more going on with the show then meets the eye.
Well, again, pretty close... I'll go ahead and say that the special has a theme, and that's the main element I'm searching for, that hasn't been spelled out yet.
>The only other things i can think of is introduction of some villians that pay some homage to well established
hero's from other major companies
you're on the right track here...
>and the revelation that there is more going on with the show then meets the eye.
ahh, there's plenty of that in the book in gener... er ooops
no that's not part of the theme of the special.
Did I say it was a special?
Hmmm, just taking a stab in the dark here, but maybe the show created the bad guys and gals too? I don't know, really clueless here. I just thought the pages by the different artists were cool.
As for the different artists, I assume each one is doing a section featuring a different cast member? Cool.
Hey Brant!
>Hmmm, just taking a stab in the dark here, but maybe the show created the bad guys and gals too? I don't know, really clueless here.
In a sense, yes... though there is a theme to the bad guys, that is the theme of the book...
>As for the different artists, I assume each one is doing a section featuring a different cast member? Cool.
Correct! But we've already confirmed that part :)
I guessing the secret project is a crossover with analogues for DC/ Marvel heroes and villains!
so close!
it's not a crossover really, but it's the other part that's just a bit off!
but, it's a theme, that has Super Real, and they're doning something
what are they doing?
what's the theme of that?
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