Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Alright, I'm getting back on track with my weekly faves, and last week we had our first comments to this INTERACTIVE feature (hey H.C!)...

In case you've missed it, the COMIC PICK OF THE WEEK is where I rundown my weekly intake of new comics, and pick the best of the bunch, then, and this is the interactive part, you post your comments on your favorites for the week!

Let's go:

First off, let me just say that nothing really stood out this week.

There were a couple X-books (for the record, I don't get close to all of them)... Uncanny X-Men #480, the latest in the excellent 12 part Brubaker run, but another of the Vulcan solo/fill-in art issues. It was okay at best... X-Men Phoenix Warsong #3 - I loved the first Pak Phoenix mini, but this one is mostly suffering from some terrible Kirkham artwork. His stuff's not bad, but he's stretched pretty thin here (which is odd for a Marvel showcase of Top Cow talent), and that makes for some bad comics...

Irredeemable Ant-Man #2 is fun, and I'm still onboard, but I'll need some further convincing to continue following this one...

The latest Wildstorm re-launch is Midnighter #1 by Ennis and Sprouse. Solid, but not great. Midnighter, who was a contemporary cool version of Batman when Ellis created him, is starting to look kind of silly 10 years in. A nice update to the costume here would've coincided nicely with his debut series...

Street Fighter Legends: Sakura #3 - this one was fun at first, and it still is, but it's also coming across pretty pointless. It ends soon right?

Local #7 - a couple issues in I realized there wasn't much more to this than the vignettes of Megan's wandering the country issue to issue, and while it's an interesting experiment, it only maintains interest via the strong, resonant writing of Wood, and the incredible work of Kelly on art (this issues was particularly nice)...

No picks there, so here we are...

PICK OF THE WEEK: Justice League of America 0-3

Another book I thought I'd signed up for, but missed issue 0 and 1, and started picking up with number 2. Since I'm a fool for team heroes, I try most any version offered, at least try. I've never followed JLA, I've sampled it from time to time, but I usually leave, I'm just not a big DC guy, but I thought I'd give Meltzer another shot since Benes was on art. Benes, whom in my first experience was a stiff T n A rip off of Campbell has matured into a nice Jim Lee influenced artist, his work is continually improving, and he looks great here with Sandra Hope on inks.

Anyway, I picked up issue 0 and 1, so I sat down and read through all 4 this week when number 3 came out. I really like it. The writing, while a bit tame, is great, and so far I'm liking the direction of the series. Many complain that it's too slow, but I've no problems with a slower pace as long as it's done well, and we get some pay off. So far it's very well done, and I suspect things will climax nicely. Count me in as long as it does!

So there you have it, that was last week in comics for me.

How about you, what was your favorite pick of the week???

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