The third issue of Livewires just came out this week, and it's another strong, fun, solid effort from the creative team of Adam Warren (writing/layouts), Rick Mays, Jason Martin (no, not me), and Guru FX.
This book really pops, from the artwork to the writing, it's zingy, and that's all Warren. It's loaded with his trademark psuedo-science themes and sexy lines. It's understandable that Warren's art is not for everyone, however, I've found in recent years, it's his writing that's deserving of more attention. Livewires is a perfect showcase for this, and it's a shame more people aren't catching on.
This is my favorite book going right now!
If you don't beleive me, see how much the guys over at comics main review site,, rave about it:
Randy Lander
- Livewires #1
"It's a strong concept, and it's supported by really fun characters, snappy writing and beautiful art. 8/10"
– Livewires #2
"Livewires is something that the comics industry could use a lot more: new and fun. 9/10"
- Livewires #3
"Livewires is fun, fresh and fast-paced, and it's one of the best books Marvel is producing right now. 10/10"
Don MacPherson
- "Livewires #1
I hope readers sit up and take notice of this fun and intense series. 9/10"
So check this one out in the stores, go on eBay, or buy it online, if you haven't! .
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