LeSean has been stradling comics and animation the last few years, poised to hit it big in comics, and Cannon Busters is his shot at the big time. The recent number 1 issue has just sold out, and now Cannon Busters gets a nice 3 page spread in Play, full of sample artwork from the visually stunning book, and an interview with the mad creator himself.
I suspect the Capcom/Udon tie-in is what led to the coverage, as the comics section usually highlights comics with direct video game tie ins, but it's great to see comics get mainstream media love in any capacity.
Check out Play Magazine if you haven't, it's perfect for TSL readers/pop culture junkies. Especially if you like anime, they always have several pages each issue devoted to that.
If you or your readers like magazines with the words PLAY in it, check out the new premiere issue of NOW PLAYING magazine! They've got a full page spread of my El Muerto artwork with a picture of Wilmer Valerrama (THAT 70S SHOW) talking about playing El Muerto in the upcoming live-action film adaption of my comic book!
Gosh, talk about a drive by plug...
you didn't even comment on the article!
That's okay though, Jav's a good friend, and if I had a copy of Now Playing, or came accross it, I'd surely plug this feature!!
Check out the El Muerto link on the side if you'd like to learn more about Javier's swell book!
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