For the complete list of books available today, go HERE
Highlights include:
Seven Soldiers: Guardian #2 - Grant Morrison is arguably comics best writer, he's at least the best visionary we have
Hero Camp #1 - Image picked up what looks like might be one solid effort of a new book, looking forward to checking it out
Livewires #4 - Kids, trust me, Adam Warren is delightful, and this series is too. Shame on you if you haven't at least looked at it.
Young Avengers #4 - This title has impressed all around, in spite of what everyone thought, or because of?
I did pick up Hero Camp tonight! I actually bought the zines direct from writer Greg Thompson. The books aton of fun adn you can't beat that really nice art from Robbi Rodriguez!
I did pick up Hero Camp tonight! I actually bought the zines direct from writer Greg Thompson. The books a ton of fun and you can't beat that really nice art from Robbi Rodriguez!
Haven't read it yet, but thumbed through it.
It looks really good. The art definitely has an Allred vibe, but with some other nice touches.
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