Tuesday, May 24, 2005

IN CASE U MISSED IT: Wildsiderz previewy goodness!

Over on Newsarama, they just put up a 5 page preview of the August shipping Wildsiderz #1.
For those of you comic readers who live in a remote cave with no news feeds, print, web, or otherwise, Wildsiderz is the new J Scott Campbell series after many years outside regular art production (last seen on Danger Girl). There is an introductory #0 shipping next month, with a few pages of story and massive quantities of character and series production materials. The pages previewed here are from the actual first issue, that follows two months later, and they look fantastic!

I can't wait for this book. Simply can't wait. Not only is J Campbell one of the biggest, most stylish artists in the industry, his books are always served in a fun style only comics can truly deliver. He really utilizes the medium to its full potential. I'm sure this new series will find him back at the top of the industry.

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