Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Click on over to Diamond for the full LIST of comics hitting shops today.

Here are the highlights:
HOUSE OF M #2 - We can only hope this is an improvement over last issue...
LIVEWIRES #5 (OF 6) - My favorite book right now, AGAIN, PLEASE TRY THIS ONE IF YOU HAVEN'T!
NEW AVENGERS #6 - I'm enjoying this one so far...
BATTLE ROYALE VOL 13 GN - Great, twisted, manga...
DOC FRANKENSTEIN #3 - Skroce is a comics master
KILLER STUNTS INC #2 - High octane fun
LEXIAN CHRONICLES FULL CIRCLE #1 - The art on this series looked phenom
MBQ - Felipe Smith is a rising manga talent, and this is his firt full length

Big week!

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