This time it's an iTunes video development.
Looks like the recently re-released classic Body Bags is getting the digital treatment...
the full article is HERE
It does appear to be slightly animated and voiced over content to jazz things up for the iPod format. Just another potential avenue for future digital pathways...
Jason, I read that article but then stopped when I figured out they're adding audio/visual stuff.
Why not just make a cartoon? A comic is a comic, sequential art that you read. Adding these other things only creates a hybrid of two mediums. Does that advance comics? I think it only creates a poor-man's animated version of the comic......
I agree that comics need to find their place in the digital age, but if you're trying to create a 'multi-media' product, just use Flash animation....!!
Hey Jav,
I have to agree, I was somewhat dissapointed to learn that the comics were being altered to add sound etc.
I too would like to see a digital solution that gives us comics in the spirit of print. However, if you have the ability for audio, it seems kind of silly to add text or word baloons. I think if you really look at it, that's a hang up, or baggage, we're bringing from print comics.
Now, when you start animating panels, paning, and things of that nature, well... then you're really getting "hybrid" and perhaps taking things too far.
I'd think there's no reason we can't get digital comics that have text, just as print comics do today, to be massively accepted...
The rest does seem like needless bells and whistles, or window dressing, trying to "cool" up, what is already cool to begin with.
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