Check out this quick video roundup of independent creators talking about their comics from the floor of last weeks Comic-Con... includes a brief note from Josh Howard at the Super Real Graphics booth, and creator Dave Dwonch talking about Super Real Graphics Presents GNOME!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
SDCC 08 update 2 - Friday THE LOST CON UPDATE
Okay, so, with all that happens at the con, I try to upload the days shots and keep a live update going, but this year, my shots got tricky to format with software, so I never posted this, and update from last Friday...Yesterday I just dropped a slide show of booth crap, the big media cool stuff of sorts...
Since it's now almost a week later, here you go (and it is a live blog entry, so it's a bit rambling after a night out and the days events, but here it is uncensored):
Today, lets name drop, both cool creator friends, and celebrity/comic celebrity... as well as give a taste of my SDCC exploits...
So, aside from the cavalcade of geek cool, comics, movies, TV, games, toys, etc etc, and trying to convert folks to your product, in my case independent comics, SDCC is not about sales, it's mainly, the single best place to network, meet kindred spirits and new contacts of every variety.
Sure, you can join online communities, and foster multitudes of great new connections business or personal, but nothing beets face to face, and sharing a beer, or a meal, or many beers, or whatever your social thing is. And SDCC is the best of all cons for that. The most people, of the widest variety, not to mention fans, and a totaly accesible city with endless eateries and bars within walking (or even train) distance.
Blah blah blah
Anyways, that's cool.
Cuz it's cool to meet and share with people that get your otherwise decidedly different world views...
blah blah, yadda yadda
Shit, I got off track (it's approaching 2AM and that happens, but I want to get the blog pics up in the PM rather than the AM so I can make it to the con hall earlier than I did today)....
My point was, none of the above, that's another point, my point was, I thought I'd share some of the geek cool celebrity-ish sitings I've had in the last 24ish hours...
Yesterday, small geek moment, taking the shuttle from the Sheraton Suites hotel to the con, we wind around downtown, and there outside the window, is Stan the man Lee, by himself, walking at a good clip, happy as a clam, looking around, passerbyes none the wiser...
I've seen Stan up closer before, but he's perhaps the biggest geek thrill, I'd really like to meet him. Regardless of his questionable past with his artists, he's undeniably an icon, and maybe genius, in his own indemetable way, at marketing. And I very much respect him for building the house of ideas...
Moving on, or fast forwarding to yesterday late evening, or early Friday AM, returning to the hotel after going out post show Thursday, I get to the hotel lobby, and there's Richard Hatch, original Appolo, sitting at the free internet computer... doing his thing. Just was, ya know, when you see people from TV etc, you don't expect to see them doing such mundane shit...
Skip back to today, or early Friday...
I grabbed some crappy breakfast sandwich from the hotel (no thanks on that again), and proceeded to the shuttle stop... I was already anxious after leaving much later than I wanted, and there was a good cueue for the bus, which is a good thing most likely, meaning it may be coming sooner than later. But, I didn't feel like waiting and quickly headed off on foot, as I wanted to pick up a some juice or decent stuff to hold me through the day en route anyway. From my hotel it's a good 14 blocks or so, a bit of a walk, but doable, and downhill to the con. Plus, it's Friday, and the con turns into a giant traffic cluster fuck with 125 thousand people descending to it on the weekend days... and shuttles can get held in limbo on approach.
Any way, meet a guy on the way that runs a bobble head vendor, or company, talk bobble heads, turns out Benders the shows best seller, and they have some Sleestack exclusives too, with a top secret appearance from Sid or Marty Kroft (I forget which)... ya know Will Ferrel and crew are doing a new movie that sounds pretty cool, especialy to someone of the right age like me, to have watched that crazy shit as a young child.
Just as he excuses himself to finish his cigar prior to crossing the main street and train track to the convention center, I notice a big backdrop with crew and cameras etc staged off to the side in the park block area that proceeds the street across from the con, at the main pedestrian route in... It's the new Kit car for the new Knight Rider show, about to be unveiled (and probably sit there the rest of the day or con)...
So I took this spy shot, just for you all...
I stumble on some kind of Greatest American Hero booth, I'd heard William Kat, and practically the whole cast of the 80's psuedo superhero show were there, including the old dood that played the FBI agent or whatever, who must now be really up there... Well low and behold it's (a quick IMDb check reveals) Robert Culp (and also reveals he's only 78 now)... I always dug him, so I ask if he's cool with me taking his picture, he's busy hanging Greatest American Hero posters on the front of the boot and says sure, "As long as he doesn't have to stop working"
I wanted a better shot, but he really was crouching and not photo ready, and time was short, so there ya go.
So I had to jet down to the other end of the massive hall to his spot in artist alley drop them off (and the show had just opened, which meant things were going to get nasty)
When there, I forgot to snap a shot of him at his table, but I did run into my bud Jason Kruze, creator of The World of Quest, which got picked up as a kids WB cartoon series that now airs...
I met him as a neighbor at the infamous one and only Las Vegas Comic-Con, long story, lost of creators, no attendees...
He was an animator that turned me onto using blue Col-erase pencils... and had just finished World of Quest for that show (it later became a Komikswerks webcomic and trade, then book publisher graphic novel and cartoon)
Any way, he's good people, but as this pic shows, he had a rough go of getting to con this year...
I really wanted to try and get shots of friends/creators, because I'm bad at doing that, so I snapped these shots of Hector Sevilla and Dave Dwonch sketching this morning...
and here's Gnome cover artist and underground rap superstar Super Ugly hammin' it up with the Star Wars gals...
Fast forward again to the end of the day, and I was heading out of the con to try and catch a shuttle to the hotel, but again, it's a peak day, and travel out of the con towards Gas Town, is FUBARed
As I realized I went outside at about hall A/B, and my shuttles at about D/E (a long ways folks) things weren't looking good.
Then, as I tried to hustle to the shuttle, I noticed just about everyone was looking up in the sky, trying to read...
Turned out there was a skywriter, big deal, it's comic-con, who knows what crazy shit they're pimping, move along.
But as I kept trucking, I go curious as folks started to get more engaged, looked like some kind of LOST tie-in...
The wrote "seek the six" in the sky over the con.
Pretty cool. (turns out it was a viral promo leading to some TV show remake on the web)
Anyway, I snapped a few shots, in case they didn't come out, as she posed with all comers (while they ran tape)...
Then of course a giant fat Darth Vader had to make his way into the shots...
By now I'd reached my shuttle, and got in line, only to find out there were two lines, mine being wrong (even though it started where the shuttle door was), and we had to move to the back of the longest shuttle line ever...apparently nobody rides anything but green...
As a group gathered behind me though, I could here them asking about who the girl was, taking all the pictures, "Who is she?", then one girl said, "I think she's a porn star"
Ha ha!
I let em know, but it was damn funny...
So, I figured if I didn't make the first bus, I'd walk or cab, and sure enough, it was a no go...
You see, I needed to meet up with my wife, and head to a Hollywood type party... I was supposedly put on the list for a certain talent agency shin-dig at the Hard Rock Hotel, but I didn't get many other details beyond that. You see after con last year, I got in talks with a certain 3 lettered agency (aren't they all 3 letters, that end in A as in Agency?) regarding interest in Super Real from a certain "family programing network"... I didn't think Super Real was a great fit there, but what the hell, how knows, the concept is certainly broad enough to spin any way...
Any way, low and behold it didn't work, but I've kept in contact with said agency, and I thought it was best to check out their swaray...
So, I headed to the hotel on foot, actually passing the Hard Rock hotel, where the packed patio bar was roaring and then cheering as someone made their way down the street by me (across from the action)... it was Mark Hamill, flanked by security and followed by cameras, apparently all of it being staged (come on, cheering for Mark? Flanked by security?!? Even for Luke Skywalker at comic con, that's a bit much)....
And I wasn't able to get a decent shot of it...
Back to the hotel then, to get ready and take a cab with the wife to the Hard Rock, when we get there and find the right entrance for the party, they inform us it doesn't start til 10pm, and it's about 20 til... So, since we hadn't eaten yet, we got next door to a cool Hard Rock coffee shop hat was really a nice swanky diner, with good food to boot.
We head back to the party entrance, and see a big line, after checking, sure enough we need to wait in it. It took a good half hour or longer, with much of that time being spent beneath a fryer vent of some sort, blasting warm fish/burger air upon us...
As we get up, show ID and make our way to the check in, the gal in front of us was heard told, "I'm sorry mam, your name's not on the list, do you know who was supposed to put you on it...", the exact frase I knew we'd hear...
And sure enough, no Jason Martin on the list.
God damn it.
It's one thing to say you'll do it, and not, but to make us wait on line, in fish fry vapors, that's fucked up.
Of course, I'd forgot my phone and couldn't call the man with the power to fix it, so we had no choice but to leave, as they would do nothing to check on it from their end.
I could see where he looked on the list, Avatar Press and Devil's Due, with names... fuck.
So, turning around back out the door, to pass backwards though security, there was a bit of hub bub, someone was making a stink about getting it... I quickly realized it was Carlton Cuse, Lost producer (from their story so far specials etc), po'd and storming off... and could hear someone say "He tried to get a minor in..."
Ah, comic con, you strange hybrid beast of psuedo celebrity madness...
What to do now, well, hit a bar, it's Gas Town, and there's literally endless choices...
Walking, we passed the dood that plays Brian Posehn's gay partner on the Sarah Silverman show (Steve Agee, again, IMDb), at an outdoor bar... I'd seen him earlier at the con...
I needed to pee, and there was a Bucca De Bippo handy, so we ducked in there, after finding my was to the bathroom, admidst winding corridors, and passing several comic types... I returned to the bar to find my wife waiting, they closed at 11...
So, onwards, towards the hotel, but more towards the main strip of bars... Passing Joe Quesada on the crosswalk, and settling on a pretty cool tiki bar. Whilst hanging there, Dan Didio came in and past us, then returned back out a minute later, now mysteriously wearing a Padres ballcap he didn't have on before, and smiling at my wife (dirty old man)...
No, sightings at the 7-11 though, and no 80's sci-fi actors in the hotel lobby, but there you have it, 24 hours that can only be had at San Diego Comic-Con!
So, I left all the "Ooh, look who I saw" crap in there, cuz, that's the fun of doing the con, so for those who can't make it, that's what it's like, pretty fun...
Tune in tomorrow for my final pics and tidbits to share from Comic-Con 08!!
Friday, July 25, 2008
SDCC 08 update 1 - Wednesday/Thursday
Here's a quick update from San Diego Comic-Con 2008...
wish you were here dear readers!
This first update is all the best booth stuff I could fit on my old pig of a digital camera.
First up we have the new Bond car with a cool ginormous Craig/Bond banner
Then we have a life size prop from the big upcoming Watchmen, that is so cool, the Nite Owl's ship... it even has a full interior too!

And yes, if you're at the show, you too can win a Nerd Herd mobile (from Chuck, I love that show!)
Apparantly the truly awesome Feast, the recent Project Greenlight winning monster horror flick that's Tremors meets Tarantino, has a sequel coming (cool!) and this is one of the creatures!!!
Lost Boys are back all of a sudden 21 years later, and have this RV setup at the con... Probably Corey's Feldmen's home, just parked in the booth space...
Lots of Transformers stuff at one of the toy booths (Hasbro?)... a cool giant logo, 8' stands of the cartoon Optimus and Bumblebee, and I think this last thing was from Transformers? Anyone?

Hasbro (again I think) also had some cook action figure displays, they had a big diorama featuring scenes from all 4 Indy films, this was the Raiders... and a cool Cloverfield display complete with NYC carnage and copters!
Iron Man is also everywhere, here's a cool life size movie armor!! (wouldn't it be cool if you could wear it? just think of the lines for that, the Iron Man experience)... and also the mark 1 armor...
He-Man fanatics rejoice... a life size bronze statue of the man of he, and life size Grayskull!!!
As always, lots of cool Star Wars stuff... here's a life size Ahsoka
That's all I could fit on the ol memory card, tune in tomorrow for more, and hopefully some friendly faces...
wish you were here dear readers!
This first update is all the best booth stuff I could fit on my old pig of a digital camera.
First up we have the new Bond car with a cool ginormous Craig/Bond banner
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
SDCC 08 plans and goodies galore!
Well folks, the ginormous event that is San Diego Comic-Con is upon us, and I have tons of stuff planned for the show...
First, we'll have all issues of Super Real, and copies of Super Real Graphics Presents: Gnome, naturally.
In addition to that, I'll have the last of my 08 sketchbooks, new custom sketch cards to do sketch card commissions on, and also, I'll be giving one out with each purchase of my stuff with a quick head shot.

Then we've also got all the upcoming publishing stuff...
From the new Super Real Graphics Presents volume, The Wolves of Odin by creator Grant Gould, we'll have limited edition preview books.
And the from my new project that I'm unveiling at the show, PULP GIRLS (a mix of exploitation cinema and pulp hero inspired concepts, created mostly by me, and featuring
tons of cool artists, but all with a girl centric twist), I'll have limited to 100 copies preview books, featuring 3 covers.
I'll also have a slew of prints for Pulp Girls too, including a limited to 25 edition print of Josh Howard's concept for the project, Stitches.
Additionally, creators Dave Dwonch, Grant Gould, Josh Howard, and Hector Sevilla should be on hand to do signings, just check at the table for times.
All this will be going on at space S16 in the small press pavilion, so please come by and say hello, pick up some stuff, or get a sketch!
If you can't make the show, most of the items are available directly from me/SRG, so just send me an email.
Please visit the brand new Super Real Graphics News Blog (your source fall all information on the different SRG products) and the respective pages for the different titles for more info, or my gallery for more peeks at my exciting new project, Pulp Girls, with much more info to come on that!
First, we'll have all issues of Super Real, and copies of Super Real Graphics Presents: Gnome, naturally.
In addition to that, I'll have the last of my 08 sketchbooks, new custom sketch cards to do sketch card commissions on, and also, I'll be giving one out with each purchase of my stuff with a quick head shot.
From the new Super Real Graphics Presents volume, The Wolves of Odin by creator Grant Gould, we'll have limited edition preview books.
And the from my new project that I'm unveiling at the show, PULP GIRLS (a mix of exploitation cinema and pulp hero inspired concepts, created mostly by me, and featuring
I'll also have a slew of prints for Pulp Girls too, including a limited to 25 edition print of Josh Howard's concept for the project, Stitches.
Additionally, creators Dave Dwonch, Grant Gould, Josh Howard, and Hector Sevilla should be on hand to do signings, just check at the table for times.
All this will be going on at space S16 in the small press pavilion, so please come by and say hello, pick up some stuff, or get a sketch!
If you can't make the show, most of the items are available directly from me/SRG, so just send me an email.
Please visit the brand new Super Real Graphics News Blog (your source fall all information on the different SRG products) and the respective pages for the different titles for more info, or my gallery for more peeks at my exciting new project, Pulp Girls, with much more info to come on that!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
SUPER REAL NOTES - Marvel Masterpieces 2 out today
Someone pointed me to a couple eBay auctions for cards I did, and my comic shop had a couple cases (I bought one pack, never seen the cards before... didn't get a sketch card... they're one card to a case)
You can learn more about the card series at Upper Deck's website
Get more info on my cards HERE
or view most in my DeviantArt gallery or HERE
Or here's a hand LINK for MM2 sketch cards on eBay!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
MEANWHILE AT THE MOVIES... Grindhouse sequel?
With QT producing, and the same voice over dood from Grindhouse, check out this red band trailer for HELL RIDE and tell me it's not!
In other movie news, Favreau's back on board Iron Man 2 - Yayyyy!!!
In other movie news, Favreau's back on board Iron Man 2 - Yayyyy!!!
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Well friends, my new volume of Super Real Graphics Presents is official. It's been in the works for a while now, and I've been dying to spill about it, but the book is now setup with Diamond, so it's time to start talking it up...
The newest volume of innovative creator-owned graphic novella's is from my friend, Grant Gould!
Grant's a longtime freelance genre artist, known for his sketch cards and works for Lucasfilm etc, and when he started teasing a little project with Viking werewolves, it really caught my eye... now I'm lucky enough to help bring that comic book to the world.
The book is called THE WOLVES OF ODIN and is a mix of Lord of the Rings style fantasy, Norse mythology, and Werewolves!

You can check out more info on the book, and get on the newsletter for updates, as it makes it's way to comic book shops this November (which means it's in the September PREVIEWS catalog, which is out to shops the last week of August for preorders) via the all new Wolves of Odin blog/website HERE
Not final cover art
I'm really excited about Wolves, Grant's art is just great, and the story here is simply amazing!! It also makes a nice transition from the first SRG Presents volume, Gnome, and fits perfectly with the line.
So, that's 2 Super Real Graphics Presents books for you to choose from, and with a little luck, more on the way in 2009!! Maybe even something by this Jason Martin guy that does Super Real...
Check it out, get on the newletter, and STAY TUNED!
Well friends, my new volume of Super Real Graphics Presents is official. It's been in the works for a while now, and I've been dying to spill about it, but the book is now setup with Diamond, so it's time to start talking it up...
The newest volume of innovative creator-owned graphic novella's is from my friend, Grant Gould!
Grant's a longtime freelance genre artist, known for his sketch cards and works for Lucasfilm etc, and when he started teasing a little project with Viking werewolves, it really caught my eye... now I'm lucky enough to help bring that comic book to the world.
The book is called THE WOLVES OF ODIN and is a mix of Lord of the Rings style fantasy, Norse mythology, and Werewolves!
You can check out more info on the book, and get on the newsletter for updates, as it makes it's way to comic book shops this November (which means it's in the September PREVIEWS catalog, which is out to shops the last week of August for preorders) via the all new Wolves of Odin blog/website HERE
I'm really excited about Wolves, Grant's art is just great, and the story here is simply amazing!! It also makes a nice transition from the first SRG Presents volume, Gnome, and fits perfectly with the line.
So, that's 2 Super Real Graphics Presents books for you to choose from, and with a little luck, more on the way in 2009!! Maybe even something by this Jason Martin guy that does Super Real...
Check it out, get on the newletter, and STAY TUNED!
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
COMMISSION TIME - Buffy the home invasion slayer!
Here's a recent commission for a full color Buffy the Vampire Slayer piece...
Since the requester wanted a full shot, with background, the idea to have Buffy in full on stake action atop a vampire popped in mind, then took on a life of it's own.
There's two slightly different versions of this one, the treatment here:
and one in my gallery with a touch more lighting effects.
As you can see I had fun with the coloring...
Since the requester wanted a full shot, with background, the idea to have Buffy in full on stake action atop a vampire popped in mind, then took on a life of it's own.
There's two slightly different versions of this one, the treatment here:
As you can see I had fun with the coloring...
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