Honorable mention - Livewires
Honorable mention - Sharknife
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
Sin City
Honorable mention - Life Aquatic
Dead and Breakfast
Honorable mention - Star Wars Clone Wars Volumes 1 and 2
Bloc Party - Silent Alarm
Honorable mention - Ladytron - Witching Hour
Honorable mention - Lost
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
I feel like such a tool for nominating two Marvel Comics for comic of the year, but honestly, those are the two books that jump to mind.
The entire list was composed on the fly, I did not sit and analyze the selections. I may go back and rethink some, but who knows...
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
IN CASE U MISSED IT: Digital noise
'Nother development in the digitalization of comics...

This time it's an iTunes video development.
Looks like the recently re-released classic Body Bags is getting the digital treatment...
the full article is HERE
It does appear to be slightly animated and voiced over content to jazz things up for the iPod format. Just another potential avenue for future digital pathways...
This time it's an iTunes video development.
Looks like the recently re-released classic Body Bags is getting the digital treatment...
the full article is HERE
It does appear to be slightly animated and voiced over content to jazz things up for the iPod format. Just another potential avenue for future digital pathways...
Friday, December 23, 2005
Spirit of the Season
With most everyone taking a break for the holiday weekend, I find it appropriate to leave a post for the break, in the spirit of giving. Yesterday, Newsarama ran a piece from James Heffron, Publisher/Creator of TERRITORY 51, on his recent efforts for disaster relief on the gulf coast in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Not only is this a great piece of perspective for all comic fans, from a fellow enthusiast and creator, but for me it was especially touching, as I've had the pleasure of meeting Jim, and feel honored to call him a friend.
I met Jim and his brother Mike, Publishers of LAWDOG comics, at the 2004 San Diego Comic-Con, we were neighbors in the small press section, and hit it off right away and all talked shop for the next few days. This past year, the Heffron's were even so nice, as to include Super Real in their 2005 convention preview anthology. The Heffron's were not only nice guys, but have some great comics and ideas they're working on, but as you tend to do at conventions with the friendships you form, you get to know people in relation to comic books and the business, being separated by geography, it's harder to get to know them on a personal level. So what I didn't know, was that Jim was not only a stand up guy, publisher, and creator, but also a top notch citizen too.

All I can say is that it's inspiring, and that I hope you can take a moment, if you haven't already, and read the article, it's posted here HERE
Merry Christmas,
and Happy Holidays
I met Jim and his brother Mike, Publishers of LAWDOG comics, at the 2004 San Diego Comic-Con, we were neighbors in the small press section, and hit it off right away and all talked shop for the next few days. This past year, the Heffron's were even so nice, as to include Super Real in their 2005 convention preview anthology. The Heffron's were not only nice guys, but have some great comics and ideas they're working on, but as you tend to do at conventions with the friendships you form, you get to know people in relation to comic books and the business, being separated by geography, it's harder to get to know them on a personal level. So what I didn't know, was that Jim was not only a stand up guy, publisher, and creator, but also a top notch citizen too.
All I can say is that it's inspiring, and that I hope you can take a moment, if you haven't already, and read the article, it's posted here HERE
Merry Christmas,
and Happy Holidays
IN CASE U MISSED IT: A pair of Marvel's
One of my favorite books in recent years, and indeed of all time, was Marvel's X-FORCE/X-STATIX by MILLIGAN and ALLRED, so needless to say, I was sad to see it go.
Another publishing effort of Marvel's that I was very fond of in recent years was the MARVEL MANGAVERSE, Marvel characters re-imagined from a contemporary Eastern creative standpoint.
Turns out both properties are set to make a comeback of sorts, both as mini series, and there's currently preview pages from both in the latest batch of advance looks from the publisher.
You can view some of the pages on HERE

Milligan and Allred can do no wrong together, and it's just really refreshing to see the Marvel Universe in a modern contemporary way (by an actual manga artist even)!
Another publishing effort of Marvel's that I was very fond of in recent years was the MARVEL MANGAVERSE, Marvel characters re-imagined from a contemporary Eastern creative standpoint.
Turns out both properties are set to make a comeback of sorts, both as mini series, and there's currently preview pages from both in the latest batch of advance looks from the publisher.
You can view some of the pages on HERE
Milligan and Allred can do no wrong together, and it's just really refreshing to see the Marvel Universe in a modern contemporary way (by an actual manga artist even)!
IN CASE U MISSED IT: Comic Book Digest returns! Is the industry saved?
Amid the flurry of downbeat stories on independent publishing this past week or so, a welcome ray of light is the announcement that ALIAS ENTERPRISES is relaunching their COMIC BOOK DIGEST preview book. Originally, about a year back, CBD was an oversized black and white monthly that previewed independent titles in 8 page chunks, along with some editorial, for a super-low cover price. It failed to get the penetration it deserved, but it was a great idea.
Now Alias has announced the plan to bring it back, from the Newsarama press release:
You can see the full article HERE
I think this is exactly the kind of idea that independent publishers need, a promotional publication previewing their books with a strong penetration to the direct market (the very thing they can't obtain with ads at the back of the Previews catalog). I only wish this was open to all publishers, though it remains to be seen what kind of advertising or rates they offer, or if they can actually achieveve or maintain the distribution they're talking about. The theory, paid participation from independent publishers, for broader exposure of their products with a mass distribution to the direct market, is one I floated around some message boards a little ways back, so I think it has some chance, and I also think it's exactly what independent publishers need! It will be interesting to see where this leads, not only for Alias, but for independent press and the market in general.
Now Alias has announced the plan to bring it back, from the Newsarama press release:
"full-color previews of upcoming Alias releases from LULLABY to TWIN BLADES, and everything in between for only 25 cents each month!The books return sees it as a preview book for Alias titles, which is understandable since they're a publishing company now, so it's not quite the independent press tool it was before. However, they do mention that they're taking advertising for it, and also go on to indicate with proper sponsorship, they could reach a much wider distribution.
Originally a black and white preview book spotlighting various independent Comic book company projects, the all-new FULL COLOR, 32-page monthly CBD will feature at least two comic book previews in each issue, with each preview being a minimum 11-pages or more of art."
You can see the full article HERE
I think this is exactly the kind of idea that independent publishers need, a promotional publication previewing their books with a strong penetration to the direct market (the very thing they can't obtain with ads at the back of the Previews catalog). I only wish this was open to all publishers, though it remains to be seen what kind of advertising or rates they offer, or if they can actually achieveve or maintain the distribution they're talking about. The theory, paid participation from independent publishers, for broader exposure of their products with a mass distribution to the direct market, is one I floated around some message boards a little ways back, so I think it has some chance, and I also think it's exactly what independent publishers need! It will be interesting to see where this leads, not only for Alias, but for independent press and the market in general.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Tales From Netflix are DVD reviews, where I tell you where you should put a disc in your Netflix rental queue - placing it at the top, burying it at the bottom, or not even bothering in the first place.

Charming and quirky enough, with a solid ensemble cast. Find out what it's like to always be the guy getting dumped for someone cool.
Put BAXTER in the MIDDLE of your QUEUE

This French sci-fi/horror film is straight out of the pages of comic books, or at least in spirit. It's also like Buffy The Vampire Slayer if it were conceived by Grant Morrison, but done by the people who make Power Rangers. It's unique.
I'd say you could put MALLORY at the BOTTOM of your QUEUE, if you can take a little cheese with your movies
I'd hoped the Broken Lizard involvement with the Dukes would still surprisingly kick my ass in the funny bone, but alas, it is just an overall entertaining film, nothing special. Which by the sum of it's parts, it should've been.
Go ahead and put the DUKES in the MIDDLE of your QUEUE
Sometimes hilarious, but generally just funny, Steve Carell nails the role (no pun intended). (Side note: I worked at an electronics store as a stock guy, which is the setup for Carell's character, so I can tell you the characters, and situations from the film are spot on in that regard...)
Put VIRGIN at the TOP of your QUEUE
Wow, this sure didn't do anything to convince me that Michael Bay is anything other than all flash, and 100% bad movies! It pisses away the fertile subject matter, and hodge podges together a goofy-ass, stupid, meandering mess of a movie. Yeesh!
Put THE ISLAND at the BOTTOM of your QUEUE if you dare!

From the creator of THE CUBE (the amazingly original quasy-sci-fi-indy from a few years back), comes another original offering. This time the protaganists find themselves transported to an existance of, well, nothing...
Put NOTHING in the MIDDLE of your QUEUE

From Broken Lizard, the writing/producing/directing/acting group that brought us such comedic gems as Super Troopers and Club Dread, only it's their first unreleased film from almost a decade back. CRUISER is a somewhat charming look at college love life, and the male ego, through the not-yet-honed lense of the crazy Broken Lizard group. It would stand on it's own as an okay romantic comedy, dude style, but it's also a little fun to see these guys in their earlier years...
Put CRUISER in the MIDDLE of your QUEUE

It's a zombie flick, but only one that could come from Japan. This new spin on the genre has teenage girls turn into zombies the world over, and deals with the need for their disposal, and it's impact on society. Only Japan could give us such a reflective perspective on the moral impact of zombies. It's also very goofy, with send-ups to horror/zombie movies along the way.
Put STACY at the BOTTOM of your QUEUE
Charming and quirky enough, with a solid ensemble cast. Find out what it's like to always be the guy getting dumped for someone cool.
Put BAXTER in the MIDDLE of your QUEUE
This French sci-fi/horror film is straight out of the pages of comic books, or at least in spirit. It's also like Buffy The Vampire Slayer if it were conceived by Grant Morrison, but done by the people who make Power Rangers. It's unique.
I'd say you could put MALLORY at the BOTTOM of your QUEUE, if you can take a little cheese with your movies
I'd hoped the Broken Lizard involvement with the Dukes would still surprisingly kick my ass in the funny bone, but alas, it is just an overall entertaining film, nothing special. Which by the sum of it's parts, it should've been.
Go ahead and put the DUKES in the MIDDLE of your QUEUE
Sometimes hilarious, but generally just funny, Steve Carell nails the role (no pun intended). (Side note: I worked at an electronics store as a stock guy, which is the setup for Carell's character, so I can tell you the characters, and situations from the film are spot on in that regard...)
Put VIRGIN at the TOP of your QUEUE
Wow, this sure didn't do anything to convince me that Michael Bay is anything other than all flash, and 100% bad movies! It pisses away the fertile subject matter, and hodge podges together a goofy-ass, stupid, meandering mess of a movie. Yeesh!
Put THE ISLAND at the BOTTOM of your QUEUE if you dare!
From the creator of THE CUBE (the amazingly original quasy-sci-fi-indy from a few years back), comes another original offering. This time the protaganists find themselves transported to an existance of, well, nothing...
Put NOTHING in the MIDDLE of your QUEUE
From Broken Lizard, the writing/producing/directing/acting group that brought us such comedic gems as Super Troopers and Club Dread, only it's their first unreleased film from almost a decade back. CRUISER is a somewhat charming look at college love life, and the male ego, through the not-yet-honed lense of the crazy Broken Lizard group. It would stand on it's own as an okay romantic comedy, dude style, but it's also a little fun to see these guys in their earlier years...
Put CRUISER in the MIDDLE of your QUEUE
It's a zombie flick, but only one that could come from Japan. This new spin on the genre has teenage girls turn into zombies the world over, and deals with the need for their disposal, and it's impact on society. Only Japan could give us such a reflective perspective on the moral impact of zombies. It's also very goofy, with send-ups to horror/zombie movies along the way.
Put STACY at the BOTTOM of your QUEUE
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
COMICS REVIEW: 12/7 & 12/14 books PT 2
Here's part two of my reading stack from the past couple weeks (not counting books out today)...
DANGER GIRL: Back in Black #2
This one is a bit jarring. We go from full on espionage in the vein of the original books (but with the dudes), to the main plot of the girls on motorcycles. It's still not at all to the level of charm the series is known for over all, and the characters come off flat, especially the villains.
The tease at the end is fun though...
DMZ #2
I'm still really digging DMZ. The concept is so strong, it's hard not to. This issue gets us deeper into the ground level of our NYC war zone, and is fairly strong through-out. Though I'd rather see some more action from this set up, then trips to makeshift children's hospitals. The scene with the snipers is really smart and interesting though...
I really liked the first issue from this series. Issue two is good, but really light. Both in terms of story, and pay off. The first issue had all the same elements, namely crisp black and white inky art, and true to life characters and settings, but it also had a hook, something unexpected. Issue two lacks anything extraordinary...
Scanned through some online reviews of this before I'd read it, and they were pretty mixed bag, so I was pleasantly surprised to read it, and see just how much Kirkman's allowed to cut loose with zombie-fied versions of the Marvel U.
A really strong start to the issue, and a fun book over all.
Gosh, it seems like all of the books this time are weaker entrants from a promising series. I really enjoyed issue 1 of this title, but the latest issue didn't grab me at all. I didn't know or care what exactly was going on, except that it was a continuation of issue two's limbo for the protagonist. And by the end of the issue she's set up back in school. Say wha?
Seems like this book was previewed AGES ago, and it's finally out. The promise of the sample art is found in spurts in the book, but I guess we've got art by committee. It all fits together well, but some artists are stronger than others, and the story/sequentials can be confusing to follow. The upside? There's virtually no text, so it's easy to re-read and figure out. Even then though, I'm not sure how this is supposed to work when we know nothing of the characters to care at all about what's happening. I still say...
DANGER GIRL: Back in Black #2
This one is a bit jarring. We go from full on espionage in the vein of the original books (but with the dudes), to the main plot of the girls on motorcycles. It's still not at all to the level of charm the series is known for over all, and the characters come off flat, especially the villains.
The tease at the end is fun though...
DMZ #2
I'm still really digging DMZ. The concept is so strong, it's hard not to. This issue gets us deeper into the ground level of our NYC war zone, and is fairly strong through-out. Though I'd rather see some more action from this set up, then trips to makeshift children's hospitals. The scene with the snipers is really smart and interesting though...
I really liked the first issue from this series. Issue two is good, but really light. Both in terms of story, and pay off. The first issue had all the same elements, namely crisp black and white inky art, and true to life characters and settings, but it also had a hook, something unexpected. Issue two lacks anything extraordinary...
Scanned through some online reviews of this before I'd read it, and they were pretty mixed bag, so I was pleasantly surprised to read it, and see just how much Kirkman's allowed to cut loose with zombie-fied versions of the Marvel U.
A really strong start to the issue, and a fun book over all.
Gosh, it seems like all of the books this time are weaker entrants from a promising series. I really enjoyed issue 1 of this title, but the latest issue didn't grab me at all. I didn't know or care what exactly was going on, except that it was a continuation of issue two's limbo for the protagonist. And by the end of the issue she's set up back in school. Say wha?
Seems like this book was previewed AGES ago, and it's finally out. The promise of the sample art is found in spurts in the book, but I guess we've got art by committee. It all fits together well, but some artists are stronger than others, and the story/sequentials can be confusing to follow. The upside? There's virtually no text, so it's easy to re-read and figure out. Even then though, I'm not sure how this is supposed to work when we know nothing of the characters to care at all about what's happening. I still say...
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
IN CASE U MISSED IT: Comics distribution notes
Haven't seen this mentioned around the comics sites, but Publishers Weekly has a piece up today HERE on the troubles of FM International, one of the smaller distributors who've recently taken a blow when one of their largest remaining vendors went exclusive with Diamond.
The article seems to be just more of the speculative musings on the state of the US industries distribution, and the potentially rocky future for the current Diamond competitors in light of the continuing exclusivity of larger independent publishers. It doesn't sound like FM have actually thrown in the towel quite yet.
It's too bad, just as Diamond is positioning to do less distribution of independent and small press, their moves are affecting the stability of the alternative distributors. I don't proclaim to understand enough to make an informed judgment here, but it does seem ironic to say the least. This will of course take time to see, both, to what extent Diamond distances itself from small press, and what, if any, viable alternatives to them develop. I'd hate to think what little alternative distribution does exist is in danger of dwindling further.
Super Real, as you may know, is self-published, and therefore subject to Diamond's new ordering minimums, and it does still remain to be seen how the second issue performs. I tried to do as much as I could to mitigate the standard 40-50% drop-off from first to second issue (overshipping issue one, soliciting issue two after number one was released), but if those moves are unsuccessful, the book could quickly be fighting for its distribution life, before it's even had a chance to grow.
We shall see.
I'm optimistic.
I've gotten this far, I can make it work, but I can't do it without all of you however. So please, keep pre-ordering Super Real, and telling your friends about the book!
Thanks to fellow small presser, Javier Hernandez (, for the tip on the story!
The article seems to be just more of the speculative musings on the state of the US industries distribution, and the potentially rocky future for the current Diamond competitors in light of the continuing exclusivity of larger independent publishers. It doesn't sound like FM have actually thrown in the towel quite yet.
It's too bad, just as Diamond is positioning to do less distribution of independent and small press, their moves are affecting the stability of the alternative distributors. I don't proclaim to understand enough to make an informed judgment here, but it does seem ironic to say the least. This will of course take time to see, both, to what extent Diamond distances itself from small press, and what, if any, viable alternatives to them develop. I'd hate to think what little alternative distribution does exist is in danger of dwindling further.
Super Real, as you may know, is self-published, and therefore subject to Diamond's new ordering minimums, and it does still remain to be seen how the second issue performs. I tried to do as much as I could to mitigate the standard 40-50% drop-off from first to second issue (overshipping issue one, soliciting issue two after number one was released), but if those moves are unsuccessful, the book could quickly be fighting for its distribution life, before it's even had a chance to grow.
We shall see.
I'm optimistic.
I've gotten this far, I can make it work, but I can't do it without all of you however. So please, keep pre-ordering Super Real, and telling your friends about the book!
Thanks to fellow small presser, Javier Hernandez (, for the tip on the story!
Friday, December 16, 2005
COMICS REVIEW: 12/7 & 12/14 books PT 1
Didn't make it to the shop last week, so I've got 2 weeks of books to go through.
Here's the top of the stack...

Thomas Jane, Steve Niles, and Tim Bradstreet headline this new image sci-fi entry. The pencils are by Lewis Larosa (I think, he's listed first along with Bradstreet as "illustrated"), a name I'm unfamiliar with, but the art is impressive. The opening sequence reminds me of one of the bits from the HEAVY METAL motion picture, a couple of spaced out aliens falling down on the job, and dropping some kind of giant alien pod on a collision course with Earth.
Now, I can tell you what happens in the first issue generally, and tell you it's generally really good, but unfortunately as nice as the artwork is, it's a bit dark and though it's ultra detailed, it struggles to clearly express what's actually happening, specifically. Dunno, guess you gotta see it. Maybe it's me.
I did really enjoyed this though, and look forward to more...

Josh Howard's latest creator-owned mysterious girl series was off to a good start, and issue two doesn't disappoint, but things only move forward just a bit. That's okay, I've a feeling things will start to cut loose soon.
His trademark art doesn't disappoint either.

Speaking of things cutting loose! Issue 9 of the Ultimates does just that, and then some! Everything Millar set up in the first 8 issues pays off big, as in big screen action and global scale mayhem! The traitor's revealed, figuratively and literaly, and so are a group of villains who look like our heroes polar opposites. I'm sure they're all Ultimate versions of Avengers or Marvel Universe villains, but I'm not going to try and figure that out, I'll wait for Millar to spell it out in the final chapters.
I'm sure this would read much better collected, as the action here is a bit breezy for a stand alone issue. Or better yet, if it were a monthly. That's the only mark here really...
Here's the top of the stack...
Thomas Jane, Steve Niles, and Tim Bradstreet headline this new image sci-fi entry. The pencils are by Lewis Larosa (I think, he's listed first along with Bradstreet as "illustrated"), a name I'm unfamiliar with, but the art is impressive. The opening sequence reminds me of one of the bits from the HEAVY METAL motion picture, a couple of spaced out aliens falling down on the job, and dropping some kind of giant alien pod on a collision course with Earth.
Now, I can tell you what happens in the first issue generally, and tell you it's generally really good, but unfortunately as nice as the artwork is, it's a bit dark and though it's ultra detailed, it struggles to clearly express what's actually happening, specifically. Dunno, guess you gotta see it. Maybe it's me.
I did really enjoyed this though, and look forward to more...
Josh Howard's latest creator-owned mysterious girl series was off to a good start, and issue two doesn't disappoint, but things only move forward just a bit. That's okay, I've a feeling things will start to cut loose soon.
His trademark art doesn't disappoint either.
Speaking of things cutting loose! Issue 9 of the Ultimates does just that, and then some! Everything Millar set up in the first 8 issues pays off big, as in big screen action and global scale mayhem! The traitor's revealed, figuratively and literaly, and so are a group of villains who look like our heroes polar opposites. I'm sure they're all Ultimate versions of Avengers or Marvel Universe villains, but I'm not going to try and figure that out, I'll wait for Millar to spell it out in the final chapters.
I'm sure this would read much better collected, as the action here is a bit breezy for a stand alone issue. Or better yet, if it were a monthly. That's the only mark here really...
Thursday, December 15, 2005
IN CASE U MISSED IT: Marvel goes digital
So yeah, Marvel really quitely got back into digital comics/content again this week. Joey Q (publishing EIC) commented recently about a change in his perceptions of digital comics that's in line with the company's new effort.
The future is getting closer all the time...
You can check out Marvel's latest version of online books HERE
The future is getting closer all the time...
You can check out Marvel's latest version of online books HERE
IN CASE U MISSED IT: Speakeasy and the state of the independents
Speaking of, they have a really great in depth look today, at the recently announced changes from independent publisher Speakeasy, that really touches on a lot of what's brewing behind the scenes in independent publishing.
It's full of candid quotes from the publisher and many of it's creators, as well as other comments as they relate to the whole current state of affairs.
Must read material for anyone following independent publishing today.
It can be found HERE
It's full of candid quotes from the publisher and many of it's creators, as well as other comments as they relate to the whole current state of affairs.
Must read material for anyone following independent publishing today.
It can be found HERE
INDUSTRY RANT: Spider-Man must be stopped!
Are you a comics fan?
Do you frequent comic book news sites?
Well then you must be familiar with these...

They've gotten to be a regular thing around the sites.
Now I realize this may come off as petty or bitter, but GOD DAMN, enough already!!!
Every major news site runs these "variant" Spider-Man covers (along with every other manufactured sell-out/reprint from the big two) as front page news. The difference with these, is they're well, silly. That's the point, I know. But most of all, this particular promotion is just endless... These special Marvel "promotions" get treated like big news by the sites, while smaller publishers, LIKE ME, can't get their previews even listed on the side columns.
Look, I'm a big fan of the bigger news sites, I link to, and post comments on them all the time. And for the most part, they do feature a wide range of content. I've even gotten feature coverage, and many positive reviews from them.
I just think it's a little silly to treat this particular promotion the way they do. It just highlights their tendency to skew towards the big publishers. Which ya know, is simple business, but I'd hope on the internet, the vast infinite canvas that it is, they'd make more time or space for the little guys.
But that's why there's other sites, smaller sites, willing to talk with and feature smaller creators like myself. I'd just encourage you to seek those sites out if you care about more than the latest Spider-Man market manipulated sell-out reprint, or Infinite DC cluster fuck sneak peek.
I read and enjoy a ton of stuff from the big publishers, and I like to see coverage of them as much as the next guy, but as a publisher, I find it a little disappointing that my opportunity comes at the expense of excessive promotions like this.
Here are some sites I frequent, or have found recently, that offer something different from the bigger ones:
Do you frequent comic book news sites?
Well then you must be familiar with these...
They've gotten to be a regular thing around the sites.
Now I realize this may come off as petty or bitter, but GOD DAMN, enough already!!!
Every major news site runs these "variant" Spider-Man covers (along with every other manufactured sell-out/reprint from the big two) as front page news. The difference with these, is they're well, silly. That's the point, I know. But most of all, this particular promotion is just endless... These special Marvel "promotions" get treated like big news by the sites, while smaller publishers, LIKE ME, can't get their previews even listed on the side columns.
Look, I'm a big fan of the bigger news sites, I link to, and post comments on them all the time. And for the most part, they do feature a wide range of content. I've even gotten feature coverage, and many positive reviews from them.
I just think it's a little silly to treat this particular promotion the way they do. It just highlights their tendency to skew towards the big publishers. Which ya know, is simple business, but I'd hope on the internet, the vast infinite canvas that it is, they'd make more time or space for the little guys.
But that's why there's other sites, smaller sites, willing to talk with and feature smaller creators like myself. I'd just encourage you to seek those sites out if you care about more than the latest Spider-Man market manipulated sell-out reprint, or Infinite DC cluster fuck sneak peek.
I read and enjoy a ton of stuff from the big publishers, and I like to see coverage of them as much as the next guy, but as a publisher, I find it a little disappointing that my opportunity comes at the expense of excessive promotions like this.
Here are some sites I frequent, or have found recently, that offer something different from the bigger ones:
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Out on DVD yesterday, it's the UNCUT, special edition version of SIN CITY.
I absolutely loved the film, and have been waiting for this version of the DVD to watch it again, but it's on my Christmas list, so I'll have to wait a little bit longer...

SIN CITY is the blueprint for all Hollywood comic book adaptations, an absolutely brilliant translation to the screen!
I absolutely loved the film, and have been waiting for this version of the DVD to watch it again, but it's on my Christmas list, so I'll have to wait a little bit longer...
SIN CITY is the blueprint for all Hollywood comic book adaptations, an absolutely brilliant translation to the screen!
Saturday, December 10, 2005
My local shop's been kind of spotty on pulling manga sing-ups for me lately, but admittedly, I've been kind of spotty with my sign ups, so perhaps it's on me... Anywho, there've been some recent OEL manga released by TokyoPop I was planning on checking out, but missed, well I was able to pick up one last night, PSY-COMM.

The premise of PSY-COMM was interesting enough, a corporate-run future where wars are waged for entertainment and profit, that follows some psychically enabled soldiers through the minefield of this setup. Besides the action themes, what really drew me to the book was the promising artwork of Shane Granger, who employs an obvious influence from one of my faves Masamune Shirow, among others. Turns out the book, and the art are fairly solid. A fast, enjoyable read. The story, and artwork both falter from time to time, the story, seeming to come in and out of focus and a bit lacking in characterization, with the art being a bit rushed at times. Otherwise PSY-COMM is all good. The themes they play with (kind of like using the X-Men in a sci-fi anime setting) and potential abilities of the artist are more than enough to prime you for the next chapter.
Give PSY-COMM a shot if you like anime like Robotech, sci-fi, or comics that spin contemporary takes on superpowered teams.
The premise of PSY-COMM was interesting enough, a corporate-run future where wars are waged for entertainment and profit, that follows some psychically enabled soldiers through the minefield of this setup. Besides the action themes, what really drew me to the book was the promising artwork of Shane Granger, who employs an obvious influence from one of my faves Masamune Shirow, among others. Turns out the book, and the art are fairly solid. A fast, enjoyable read. The story, and artwork both falter from time to time, the story, seeming to come in and out of focus and a bit lacking in characterization, with the art being a bit rushed at times. Otherwise PSY-COMM is all good. The themes they play with (kind of like using the X-Men in a sci-fi anime setting) and potential abilities of the artist are more than enough to prime you for the next chapter.
Give PSY-COMM a shot if you like anime like Robotech, sci-fi, or comics that spin contemporary takes on superpowered teams.
IN CASE U MISSED IT: X-static about more!
X-Statix (formerly, briefly, X-Force), the zany creation of Peter Milligan and Mike Allred, was one of my favorite books of recent years. One I was very sad to see go.
As announced a while back, the creators are due to make a return of sorts to their Marvel comics X-Men spin-off property. Milligan writing, and Allred finishing artwork on a Dead Girl story. Dead Girl was always my least favorite of all the many team members, and I was unsure who's art Allred would be inking, but Newsarama had a preview the other day, and things look great!

You can check out the feature HERE
And look for X-Statix Presents: Dead Girl next month.
As announced a while back, the creators are due to make a return of sorts to their Marvel comics X-Men spin-off property. Milligan writing, and Allred finishing artwork on a Dead Girl story. Dead Girl was always my least favorite of all the many team members, and I was unsure who's art Allred would be inking, but Newsarama had a preview the other day, and things look great!
You can check out the feature HERE
And look for X-Statix Presents: Dead Girl next month.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
IN CASE U MISSED IT: Earthlight ahead
I really dug Stuart Moore's sci-fi writing on 2004's PARA from Penny Farthing Press, and Dark Horse's LONE series from their short lived Rocket line.
Well looks like Stuart's got a sci-fi OEL manga coming from TokyoPop next year called EARTHLIGHT.
Newsarama does a feature on it, and not only does the story and concept sound amazing, a near future space colonization riff with tons of nice little details/wrinkles, but the artwork from newcomer Chris Schons looks fabulous!

Check out the feature HERE
Well looks like Stuart's got a sci-fi OEL manga coming from TokyoPop next year called EARTHLIGHT.
Newsarama does a feature on it, and not only does the story and concept sound amazing, a near future space colonization riff with tons of nice little details/wrinkles, but the artwork from newcomer Chris Schons looks fabulous!
Check out the feature HERE
Monday, December 05, 2005
Tales From Netflix are DVD reviews, where I tell you where you should put a disc in your Netflix rental queue - placing it at the top, burying it at the bottom, or not even bothering in the first place.

Sci-fi tale of an astronaut for hire, made on a shoesrting budget. Imaginative, but wallows a bit too much in it's musical tendencies...
Oh, and I can't get over how much the main actor (the astronaut), looks like Hugh Jackman's Wolverine...
Put this one at the BOTTOM or your QUEUE

Holy shit this was one funny movie! Stupid, potty, gigolo humor, but wayyyy better than expected. The original was fun, but this one is great! Long live the secret society of man-whores!
Put DUECE at the TOP of your QUEUE

My wife had never seen these classic Eastwood action/comedy romps, so it was high time to watch this 1978 classic again.
It was a solid, and unexpectedly less "slick" than I remembered (that was the over-the-top sequel, see next). Great film!
Put this one at the TOP of your QUEUE

Any which takes all of the elements of the original and has more fun with them. Perhaps too much fun, but a must see for the uninitiated. The original is better in almost every way though...
Put this sequel in the MIDDLE of your QUEUE

Actually caught this one on cable, so it's a bit of a cheat, I would've never rented it... That said, the reason we ended up watching it, besides being horror nuts, was that it was actually pretty entertaining.
After looking this one up (and as the title implies), it turns out this 2003 film is actually the second Leprechaun movie "in the hood"... who knew?
Put this one in the BOTTOM of your QUEUE

You'd be hard pressed to have more fun with a movie. It, I'm sure, plays better to those who've actually been married. If the final act would've been better, this would have been incredible. It's still very good! Pitt and Jolie have great chemistry, and director Liman is one of my faves.
Put the Smith's at the TOP of your QUEUE!

Liked this better than I thought. It does get annoying to see every other cg character based on and voiced by Tom Hanks, but the cg train ride is a spectacular experience at times, and the North Pole is a mild treat.
Put EXPRESS in the MIDDLE of your QUEUE

This is a thro-away slasher flick, based on boarders at an abandoned lodge/slope, but it's a lot of fun. Basically, a skier is out to whack boarders for breakin the rules of the slope... yes it's whacky (get it?)!!
Put SHREDDER at the TOP of your QUEUE (If you like campy-fun slasher flicks like Scream or Club Dread)

Another one I was really surprised at how much I enjoyed! I'd heard nothing but bad things about this, and sure it's a comic book movie, not based on a comic book, but that doesn't stop if from having campy fun with the superhero genre, and there's a great cast.
Put SKY HIGH at the TOP of your QUEUE
With Rockstar turning this 1978 cult classic into a video game, and my vague memories from it's original release promotions, with all the crazy gang get ups, it was high time to check this one out. Really glad I did, it was an original premise, that pits a gang of nine against a city, and takes you along for the ride!

Put THE WARRIORS at the TOP of your QUEUE
Sci-fi tale of an astronaut for hire, made on a shoesrting budget. Imaginative, but wallows a bit too much in it's musical tendencies...
Oh, and I can't get over how much the main actor (the astronaut), looks like Hugh Jackman's Wolverine...
Put this one at the BOTTOM or your QUEUE
Holy shit this was one funny movie! Stupid, potty, gigolo humor, but wayyyy better than expected. The original was fun, but this one is great! Long live the secret society of man-whores!
Put DUECE at the TOP of your QUEUE
My wife had never seen these classic Eastwood action/comedy romps, so it was high time to watch this 1978 classic again.
It was a solid, and unexpectedly less "slick" than I remembered (that was the over-the-top sequel, see next). Great film!
Put this one at the TOP of your QUEUE
Any which takes all of the elements of the original and has more fun with them. Perhaps too much fun, but a must see for the uninitiated. The original is better in almost every way though...
Put this sequel in the MIDDLE of your QUEUE
Actually caught this one on cable, so it's a bit of a cheat, I would've never rented it... That said, the reason we ended up watching it, besides being horror nuts, was that it was actually pretty entertaining.
After looking this one up (and as the title implies), it turns out this 2003 film is actually the second Leprechaun movie "in the hood"... who knew?
Put this one in the BOTTOM of your QUEUE
You'd be hard pressed to have more fun with a movie. It, I'm sure, plays better to those who've actually been married. If the final act would've been better, this would have been incredible. It's still very good! Pitt and Jolie have great chemistry, and director Liman is one of my faves.
Put the Smith's at the TOP of your QUEUE!
Liked this better than I thought. It does get annoying to see every other cg character based on and voiced by Tom Hanks, but the cg train ride is a spectacular experience at times, and the North Pole is a mild treat.
Put EXPRESS in the MIDDLE of your QUEUE
This is a thro-away slasher flick, based on boarders at an abandoned lodge/slope, but it's a lot of fun. Basically, a skier is out to whack boarders for breakin the rules of the slope... yes it's whacky (get it?)!!
Put SHREDDER at the TOP of your QUEUE (If you like campy-fun slasher flicks like Scream or Club Dread)
Another one I was really surprised at how much I enjoyed! I'd heard nothing but bad things about this, and sure it's a comic book movie, not based on a comic book, but that doesn't stop if from having campy fun with the superhero genre, and there's a great cast.
Put SKY HIGH at the TOP of your QUEUE
With Rockstar turning this 1978 cult classic into a video game, and my vague memories from it's original release promotions, with all the crazy gang get ups, it was high time to check this one out. Really glad I did, it was an original premise, that pits a gang of nine against a city, and takes you along for the ride!
Put THE WARRIORS at the TOP of your QUEUE
Friday, December 02, 2005
MEANWHILE AT THE MOVIES... Fluxed up! (AEON FLUX reviewed)
Aeon Flux was out today.
Went to see it, more on that in a bit...
It's no secret that the original Aeon Flux animated shorts, the subsequent series, and the creative vision of Peter Chung are one of the single biggest influences or inspirations for me creatively.
Not only was everything about the animation infused with originality, but the themes, balls out action, and imaginative turns the cartoon took knew no bounds. Aeon Flux was everything that graphic storytelling could be. Plus it was truly groundbreaking.

Now, tune in 10 or so years later and Flux is turned into a major Hollywood film. Live action. If ever there was a property that could have cashed in on mainstream awareness via a mature feature animation, Flux had to be a frontrunner. So that's too bad. Not to mention, everything that made the property great was the freedom the animation thrived on. But hey, I love the property, so I'll take just about any iteration of it and be happy. It's languished too long. Sure Chung has done some short and serial animation since, notably a spot on The Animatrix, the imaginative Alexander series, and a lackluster Riddick tie-in, but he hasn't touched his hallmark creation. Turns out his involvement with the film was pretty negligible, so that's two strikes against it. But Theron in the title role meant at least the acting would be solid.

So, back to the film, was it any good?
Or the better question, was it Aeon Flux?
Well, no, and no.
The concepts, and spirit, and glimpses of character that were Aeon Flux, in the film, were good, but ultimately I'd say Aeon Flux the movie is BASED on Aeon Flux the cartoon, at best.
They've really done so much wrangling and disposing of the animation's elements that the film is a very different property. And how could it not be? Aeon Flux was never meant to be a live action movie, and it shows.
See it, if you want to be entertained, mildly. See it if you like the core theme of a bad ass chick in black, trying to flip from set piece to set piece, but mostly just crouch here and there, with big elliptical shapes in the background. But don't see it if you have any hope of it capturing the magic that was Aeon Flux, the animation, the Peter Chung creation.
At least we have the deluxe DVD release of the series now that there was a movie finally released!
Went to see it, more on that in a bit...
It's no secret that the original Aeon Flux animated shorts, the subsequent series, and the creative vision of Peter Chung are one of the single biggest influences or inspirations for me creatively.
Not only was everything about the animation infused with originality, but the themes, balls out action, and imaginative turns the cartoon took knew no bounds. Aeon Flux was everything that graphic storytelling could be. Plus it was truly groundbreaking.
Now, tune in 10 or so years later and Flux is turned into a major Hollywood film. Live action. If ever there was a property that could have cashed in on mainstream awareness via a mature feature animation, Flux had to be a frontrunner. So that's too bad. Not to mention, everything that made the property great was the freedom the animation thrived on. But hey, I love the property, so I'll take just about any iteration of it and be happy. It's languished too long. Sure Chung has done some short and serial animation since, notably a spot on The Animatrix, the imaginative Alexander series, and a lackluster Riddick tie-in, but he hasn't touched his hallmark creation. Turns out his involvement with the film was pretty negligible, so that's two strikes against it. But Theron in the title role meant at least the acting would be solid.
So, back to the film, was it any good?
Or the better question, was it Aeon Flux?
Well, no, and no.
The concepts, and spirit, and glimpses of character that were Aeon Flux, in the film, were good, but ultimately I'd say Aeon Flux the movie is BASED on Aeon Flux the cartoon, at best.
They've really done so much wrangling and disposing of the animation's elements that the film is a very different property. And how could it not be? Aeon Flux was never meant to be a live action movie, and it shows.
See it, if you want to be entertained, mildly. See it if you like the core theme of a bad ass chick in black, trying to flip from set piece to set piece, but mostly just crouch here and there, with big elliptical shapes in the background. But don't see it if you have any hope of it capturing the magic that was Aeon Flux, the animation, the Peter Chung creation.
At least we have the deluxe DVD release of the series now that there was a movie finally released!
Thursday, December 01, 2005
IN CASE U MISSED IT: Supermarket-ing
Over on Newsarama today they've got a preview and interview for the upcoming IDW title SUPERMARKET, with series artist Kristian Donaldson.

SUPERMARKET is the latest in a string of new series by writer BRIAN WOOD (2004's DEMO) which includes; LOCAL, and DMZ. Wood's a great writer, carving an ever-growing indy niche for himself, and the artwork on SUPERMARKET really looks incredible.
So, check out the feature for that HERE
If you haven't already...
SUPERMARKET is the latest in a string of new series by writer BRIAN WOOD (2004's DEMO) which includes; LOCAL, and DMZ. Wood's a great writer, carving an ever-growing indy niche for himself, and the artwork on SUPERMARKET really looks incredible.
So, check out the feature for that HERE
If you haven't already...
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
The folks over at are reporting that George Romero, godfather of modern horror and king of zombies, has been green-lit for a new DEAD film, likely to pick up where LAND OF THE DEAD left off.
Read more about it HERE, and link to their source...
It would make sense for the next film to pick up where LAND left off, as that really felt to me like part of a serialized story. Though, I'm not a big fan of the Mad Max-style zombie-mobile, The Dead Reckoning, from the film that would likely be featured again if that were the case. Though perhaps if the film is based on the road, I'd get to like the zombie-mobile concept...
LOOK, IT'S ON THE WEB! - Ichiban-ban Ichiban-ban Ichibannnnn
I recently came across a great new blog called ICHIBAN COMICS that features reviews for number one issues, and lets you know if you should pick up the rest of the featured book. Not only is this a fresh idea, but the approach and content provided for each review is unique and thorough.
Ichiban was also kind enough to review Super Real, so you can check that out HERE
It's a great review in that, well they're very kind about the book, but more specifically, they really seem to get some elements about the book that others haven't mentioned in their reviews. So that's nice...
Give ol' Ichi a twirl and tell 'em TSL sent ya!
Ichiban was also kind enough to review Super Real, so you can check that out HERE
It's a great review in that, well they're very kind about the book, but more specifically, they really seem to get some elements about the book that others haven't mentioned in their reviews. So that's nice...
Give ol' Ichi a twirl and tell 'em TSL sent ya!
IN CASE U MISSED IT: Another great column on CBR
I'm doing a little catch up here, it's been a busy week, holiday, book coming out, new job, and in the meantime there's been some good stuff floatin around the net.
Joe Casey (scribe of the fabulous new Image series GODLAND) and Matt Fraction (killer scribe of some recent indy gems) host a weekly throwdown on comics topics at CBR. Last week they went on about the big two's current cycle of stunt/marketing driven publishing, or rather, touching on that and how it relates to the current health of the market. Basically, although the sales of comic books continue to edge slightly up period after period, the majority of titles actually cycle down continuously. A trend I find more than alarming (not to mention the current big event publishing crap).
You can see their perspective in full HERE
Joe Casey (scribe of the fabulous new Image series GODLAND) and Matt Fraction (killer scribe of some recent indy gems) host a weekly throwdown on comics topics at CBR. Last week they went on about the big two's current cycle of stunt/marketing driven publishing, or rather, touching on that and how it relates to the current health of the market. Basically, although the sales of comic books continue to edge slightly up period after period, the majority of titles actually cycle down continuously. A trend I find more than alarming (not to mention the current big event publishing crap).
You can see their perspective in full HERE
IN CASE U MISSED IT: Larsen ponders our IQ
Eric Larsen's column over on CBR is a good read. Last week he mused about the current state of comic book technique, that is, the use or lack of use, of comic book techniques unique to the medium, like thought baloons and captions etc.
I think his summary is spot on, one should make use of all the tools out there, appropriate to tell the story in question, and not adhere to current trends just because. Pretty sensible position, and one I share. It's a fine line I think, between function, art, and camp. So really, it does all boil down to the story you're telling, it's tone, and how the tools fit it.
You can see his whole spot on it HERE
Week in and week out he's not really dropping any crazy knowledge, but rather engaging in frank and meaningfull discourse about the medium. Something we could use more of in the comics internet, as opposed to the onslaught of previews and reviews.
I think his summary is spot on, one should make use of all the tools out there, appropriate to tell the story in question, and not adhere to current trends just because. Pretty sensible position, and one I share. It's a fine line I think, between function, art, and camp. So really, it does all boil down to the story you're telling, it's tone, and how the tools fit it.
You can see his whole spot on it HERE
Week in and week out he's not really dropping any crazy knowledge, but rather engaging in frank and meaningfull discourse about the medium. Something we could use more of in the comics internet, as opposed to the onslaught of previews and reviews.
IN CASE U MISSED IT: Sentinels anyone?
Newsarama ran a feature on the OGN series SENTINELS the other day, and I still want to check this one out.

You can see their feature HERE
Anyone out there read this?
The volume 3 preview pages look and read really well (it's been featured around a bit lately). Sounds like a cool super hero-ish epic in the making...
You can see their feature HERE
Anyone out there read this?
The volume 3 preview pages look and read really well (it's been featured around a bit lately). Sounds like a cool super hero-ish epic in the making...
Saturday, November 26, 2005
COMICS REVIEW: 11/23 books

I'm really liking the crazy turns this story takes, it's a lot of fun.
My major gripe would be the large cast, basically a small town, it's hard to follow who most people are from scene to scene or issue to issue, and the art doesn't help that much, as most of the characters look pretty similar.
Great series, that I highly recommend overall, but this issue seemed a little off...
Good stuff, just not as good as the rest has been so far.

Thought I'd canceled this one, but it's still not off my pull list. I've been underwhelmed so far. The story may be a solid sword yarn, but Rubi's pencils are a bit too straightforward to weave any magic out of it. They also seem progressively less detailed as we go along, relying on the heavy coloring to finish them.

A solid finish to a good arc, nice little twist at the end. This could have been a great arc, if this issue was a little stronger throughout...

I love Chris Bachalo, and Chris Bachalo on the X-Men is even cooler, I love it so much, I'll even put up with the Claremont writing.
Their first few issues together were a mostly confusing House of M tie-in. Now that that's over things get a little easier to follow. There's actually even some good stuff going on here. I really like the idea of the X-Men being surrounded by Sentinels, feeding on the whole "Days of Future Past" vibe, and Chris writes a really funny, and sexy, scene with Psylocke.

I don't normally read Witchblade. I'd tried way back when and found it very lacking... but this special anniversary issue had tons of good artists lined up, so what the heck. The story, or lack there of, was just a montage of Witchblade's through the course of time (yes, really), tracing back to the start. Ehhh... Guess I'll tune back out now...

After an okay, and brief, 2 issue arc with fill-in artwork that was a bit lacking, the great regular penciler, Jim Cheung returns. This issue is pretty downbeat, with a Marvel U rogue popping up and into the YA's path out of nowhere, just like the last arc. There are some fun twists and reveals, as usual though, saving some otherwise boring developments. I'm not sure this one's too long for my pull list. Hopefully Heinberg's got some more aces up his sleeve...
I'm really liking the crazy turns this story takes, it's a lot of fun.
My major gripe would be the large cast, basically a small town, it's hard to follow who most people are from scene to scene or issue to issue, and the art doesn't help that much, as most of the characters look pretty similar.
Great series, that I highly recommend overall, but this issue seemed a little off...
Good stuff, just not as good as the rest has been so far.
Thought I'd canceled this one, but it's still not off my pull list. I've been underwhelmed so far. The story may be a solid sword yarn, but Rubi's pencils are a bit too straightforward to weave any magic out of it. They also seem progressively less detailed as we go along, relying on the heavy coloring to finish them.
A solid finish to a good arc, nice little twist at the end. This could have been a great arc, if this issue was a little stronger throughout...
I love Chris Bachalo, and Chris Bachalo on the X-Men is even cooler, I love it so much, I'll even put up with the Claremont writing.
Their first few issues together were a mostly confusing House of M tie-in. Now that that's over things get a little easier to follow. There's actually even some good stuff going on here. I really like the idea of the X-Men being surrounded by Sentinels, feeding on the whole "Days of Future Past" vibe, and Chris writes a really funny, and sexy, scene with Psylocke.
I don't normally read Witchblade. I'd tried way back when and found it very lacking... but this special anniversary issue had tons of good artists lined up, so what the heck. The story, or lack there of, was just a montage of Witchblade's through the course of time (yes, really), tracing back to the start. Ehhh... Guess I'll tune back out now...
After an okay, and brief, 2 issue arc with fill-in artwork that was a bit lacking, the great regular penciler, Jim Cheung returns. This issue is pretty downbeat, with a Marvel U rogue popping up and into the YA's path out of nowhere, just like the last arc. There are some fun twists and reveals, as usual though, saving some otherwise boring developments. I'm not sure this one's too long for my pull list. Hopefully Heinberg's got some more aces up his sleeve...
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Here it is, the return of the weekly comics pull list!
It's a big week for Super Real, but there's also some other nifty publications out there, so let's take a look. Here are the highlights for the week:
PREVIEWS VOL XV #12 - The comic lover's bible, this one features a half page ad and solicit for Super Real #2
PERHAPANAUTS #1 (OF 4) - Awesome book, been waiting for it for two years since the first ash can. Check this one out!!
SEVEN SOLDIERS FRANKENSTEIN #1 (OF 4) - I'm down with this whole line, but I'm way behind on reading... This one feature the awesome arwork of Doug Mahnke!!
GIRLS #7 (MR) - This has been a fun read so far. Unique and well done. Like a cool indy sci-fi/horror gem...
GODLAND #5 (RES) - Awesome. Casey and Scioli bring the comics funk here! A must have!!
INVINCIBLE #27 - Another must read. Pure comic goodness...
NICK FURY HOWLING COMMANDOS #2 - The first issue all but wiped out any hope for this cool concept, hopefully #2 picks it up, if not I'm gone...
ULTIMATE X-MEN #65 - I think this is the last in what's been the best arc from Vaughn. Good stuff.
DEAD AT 17 ROUGH CUT VOL 3 TP (MR) - This one includes a pin-up from some dood named Jason Martin...
EL ARSENAL #3 (OF 3) (MR) - Not only does this series feature great art, it's got a Super Real ad!!
PARADOX #1 (OF 4) - I hear tell this book also features a Super Real ad...
And here it is, the coup de grace...
SUPER REAL #1 (MR) - 'nuff said!
It's a big week for Super Real, but there's also some other nifty publications out there, so let's take a look. Here are the highlights for the week:
PREVIEWS VOL XV #12 - The comic lover's bible, this one features a half page ad and solicit for Super Real #2
PERHAPANAUTS #1 (OF 4) - Awesome book, been waiting for it for two years since the first ash can. Check this one out!!
SEVEN SOLDIERS FRANKENSTEIN #1 (OF 4) - I'm down with this whole line, but I'm way behind on reading... This one feature the awesome arwork of Doug Mahnke!!
GIRLS #7 (MR) - This has been a fun read so far. Unique and well done. Like a cool indy sci-fi/horror gem...
GODLAND #5 (RES) - Awesome. Casey and Scioli bring the comics funk here! A must have!!
INVINCIBLE #27 - Another must read. Pure comic goodness...
NICK FURY HOWLING COMMANDOS #2 - The first issue all but wiped out any hope for this cool concept, hopefully #2 picks it up, if not I'm gone...
ULTIMATE X-MEN #65 - I think this is the last in what's been the best arc from Vaughn. Good stuff.
DEAD AT 17 ROUGH CUT VOL 3 TP (MR) - This one includes a pin-up from some dood named Jason Martin...
EL ARSENAL #3 (OF 3) (MR) - Not only does this series feature great art, it's got a Super Real ad!!
PARADOX #1 (OF 4) - I hear tell this book also features a Super Real ad...
And here it is, the coup de grace...
SUPER REAL #1 (MR) - 'nuff said!
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Dead@17 Rough Cut - PIN-UP
Just confirmed today, that Dead@17 Rough Cut #3 is due out tomorrow.
Why is this important you ask?
Well, Dead@17 is a groovy little book, it's got zombies, cute chicks, cute chicks with blunt objects bludgeoning zombies... etc.
but this issue also features a pin up from me!!
Yay for me!
See that.
My first book comes out tomorrow,
my first pin-up ALSO comes out tomorrow...
that's synergy!
Here's a small peek at the artwork

(the book is however, in black and white, so this will be grayscale)
Just confirmed today, that Dead@17 Rough Cut #3 is due out tomorrow.
Why is this important you ask?
Well, Dead@17 is a groovy little book, it's got zombies, cute chicks, cute chicks with blunt objects bludgeoning zombies... etc.
but this issue also features a pin up from me!!
Yay for me!
See that.
My first book comes out tomorrow,
my first pin-up ALSO comes out tomorrow...
that's synergy!
Here's a small peek at the artwork
(the book is however, in black and white, so this will be grayscale)
Super Real #1 ships tomorrow!
Monday, November 21, 2005
I SAW IT ON TV: TV roundup
So far, this season has been very hit or miss for me, with some great episodes and clever new wrinkles/developments in the plot, but there's also been a few downright worthless episodes.
Mostly, I really think they need to ditch the flashbacks, I was worried they wouldn't going into the new season, but I guess that's why we got a whole new batch of characters, to feed the flashback formula...

Last week we learned a little bit about the others, with the infiltrator turning out to be Goodwin, who originally claimed to be from the Peace Core, and supposedly revealing that they take "the good people".

This has been one of the better seasons, with some good twists (as usual) and a decent cast. With perhaps the best twist being the hidden individual immunity, that was found and used by Gary. I'm pulling for Gary, the former NFL quarterback, (I think it's cool how he's pulling off his big cover up) so I'm glad he keeps escaping the torch snuff...

The first season of Rome just concluded, and it was solid throughout, but it took until the last few episodes to really get into it. Some great casting, writing, and production, as usual for HBO.

The fifth season is in full gear, and after a somewhat slow start, Larry David is up to his usual zannieness. Last episode we were treated to the small penis vs. large vagina debate...
So far, this season has been very hit or miss for me, with some great episodes and clever new wrinkles/developments in the plot, but there's also been a few downright worthless episodes.
Mostly, I really think they need to ditch the flashbacks, I was worried they wouldn't going into the new season, but I guess that's why we got a whole new batch of characters, to feed the flashback formula...
Last week we learned a little bit about the others, with the infiltrator turning out to be Goodwin, who originally claimed to be from the Peace Core, and supposedly revealing that they take "the good people".
This has been one of the better seasons, with some good twists (as usual) and a decent cast. With perhaps the best twist being the hidden individual immunity, that was found and used by Gary. I'm pulling for Gary, the former NFL quarterback, (I think it's cool how he's pulling off his big cover up) so I'm glad he keeps escaping the torch snuff...
The first season of Rome just concluded, and it was solid throughout, but it took until the last few episodes to really get into it. Some great casting, writing, and production, as usual for HBO.
The fifth season is in full gear, and after a somewhat slow start, Larry David is up to his usual zannieness. Last episode we were treated to the small penis vs. large vagina debate...
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